for her mailman to arrive.
"Where is that guy?"
" leg's asleep"
"Will Spring ever arrive?", she wonders. She longs for the smell of the new grass and the warm sun on her back as she lies on the deck. And bugs....oh yes, bugs. yum! But what fills her thoughts mostly is to see her mailman once again, face to face.
So she can once again give him kitty kisses from her little red bench.
I bid farewell to Billy today. It was my last visit with him until next time. We spent a wonderful week getting to know each other and every day he conned me into a back massage. If you remember Toady, who I cared for for many years before he passed away last Fall, Billy is much like him.
I'm really going to miss this guy. I think he might miss me, too.
"Take care, Billy boy. I hope to see you again soon."
I'm off to care for three sweet felines and a darling little diabetic tuxie.
Never a dull moment.
I just realized it is three years today that I started this blog. I've really enjoyed sharing my cat-sitting service and a bit of life at home with all of you. I want to say "thank you" to my followers.
You have made 'blogging' a pleasurable part of my day.
hugs, Deb