New U.S. DOD Intelligence Agency Is Now Operational

The World's Newest Spy Service -- The Week

The world's newest spy agency is now open for business. The Defense Clandestine Service now has its own website, a motto, and, finally, money from Congress to operate. The DCS, in its own words, "conducts human intelligence (HUMINT) operations to answer national-level defense objectives for the President, the Secretary of Defense, and senior policy-makers." DCS case officers "conduct source operations in every region of the world, alone or in teams. They use their innate intellect, flexibility and creativity — augmented by knowledge of the culture and comprehensive training — to recruit and manage HUMINT sources whose information answers national-level defense objectives."

Sounds like boilerplate, but let's unpack it.

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Update: New DOD intelligence agency goes operational -- Defcon Hill/The Hill

WNU Editor: Their website is here.

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