Natalie Gumede films Kirsty's final scenes on Corrie

Natalie Gumede, who plays crazy Kirsty Soames on Coronation Street, is filming her final scenes on the soap next week.

Natalie's just posted these couple of tweets on twitter from @nataliegumede

After my final #Corrie filming day next week, I will look back with love, and look forward to new adventures xxx

Your support has touched me greatly, and working with the #Corrie team has been an honour and a pleasure!

Thank you for your generosity as a person and as an actor! And all of my castmates, crewmates and all who look after us so well

I know Kirsty has to leave because all Corrie villains get their comeuppance, but I'll miss her. And I'll miss Natalie because of her fantastic acting skills and wish her well in whatever she does in the future. I feel she'll go far as an actress, further, I hope than Casualty and Holby City; much further indeed.

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