My 9lb silver fox

I had some free time today so I had my hair trimmed and coloured. My hairdresser is actually my daughter-in-law so it was fun to catch up on all the latest news. I'm always indecisive as whether to let my own colour grow in or continue to brighten it up. If I knew I had gorgeous silver hair I would probably try it but I expect mine would be grey, red, brown and whatever all mixed up. I don't want to stop traffic and I mean that in a bad way.

Now, if I had hair like this 'stunner' I would be showing it off. Yessiree...She would not be the only 'silver fox'.  But I don't.

                                      "Mornin' Deb."
So, I will not go 'au naturel' quite yet.

No sign of the long-haired tabby cat that had been showing up for food.  I'll continue to watch for him and feed him but I will also be asking around to see if he has a home.
hugs, Deb

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