(en) Brazil, Anarkio.net: The A-Info #17 - February 2013 (pt)

The newsletter is available anarchist A-Info February 2013, good read! Click on 
http://anarkio.net/Pdf/ainfo_periodico17.pdf to open PDF file. --- The oppression and 
exploitation do not stop. ---- A culture of oppression and exploitation not just one day 
to another and is not destroyed by any group with the institutional logic of the system. 
Not a mutation occurs antagonistic that the plug will fall and all will leave the system, 
taking him for a collapse. ---- Expect it, holding block parties and reformist is a waste 
of time. If only remained thus disorders that reformism would be lower. But not enough to 
slow the revolutionary movement, still seek to attack, brake and reduce the actions of 
those who do not want to wait the reformism. It's unfortunate!

We show that anarchism is the fastest and safest source of breaking all control 
structures, power, oppression and exploitation, with each one the responsibility and 
commitment to action. Without this commitment, there is no mold in the reorganization 
social libertarians.

Chances reformists time and give breath to the oppression and exploitation at all levels. 
Thus, not only the oppression and exploitation are strengthened, but multiply, replicate 
through their doctrinal institutions. A society based on these elements are single does 
not consent axs free. If you want freedom and justice, it just breaks through 
organizations of all scales in cultural, social, economic, sexual, educational etc. Until 
now, anarchism proved immune to the advances of totalitarian, the vanguard of the 
oppressors and exploiters.

Unidxs, stop the system and destroy! What are you waiting?

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