ECDC Updated Risk Assessment On NCoV




# 6961



Epidemiological update: additional case of severe lower respiratory tract disease associated with a novel coronavirus in Saudi Arabia

22 Feb 2013



On 19 February 2013, the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia has informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about an additional confirmed case of novel coronavirus (NCoV) infection.


The patient was admitted to hospital on 29 January 2013 and died on 10 February. An investigation by the Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia is on-going. This case has been notified through the International Health Regulation (IHR) on 20 February 2013. Since April 2012, thirteen cases of NCoV have been confirmed, including seven deaths.


In the United Kingdom, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) is actively investigating the recent family cluster of cases to identify the possible route of infection and detect any additional secondary cases. Active follow-up of contacts of the three confirmed cases of the family cluster have not detected additional confirmed secondary cases by 22 February 2013.


On 19 February, in light of the NCoV family cluster in the United Kingdom, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has updated its risk assessment. This 13th case reported from Saudi Arabia does not change the ECDC assessment of the situation.


ECDC is closely monitoring the situation in collaboration with WHO and the European Member States.


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