Corrie Weekly Awards: Feb. 18 - 22

Busted award: Kylie's handwriting in the reservation book matches the note with the bank details.

Continuity fluff up?: I thought Mandy said Flash is 15 years old. Lloyd remembers Flash. Lloyd hasn't seen Mandy since before Jenna was born, 28 or 29 years ago. Later in the week, Jenna says he's at least 40. Maybe I misheard 15 for 50?

I can almost taste the victory award: Gail can hardly wait to spill the beans on Kylie!

Pun of the week: Steve "Deep down, I'm shell shell shocked!"

Put on a spot award: Anna didn't have much choice but let Faye have the laptop after Tim presented it to her in front of everyone. Makes Owen look like a prat, too.

Metrosexual award: Brian running after Jason to retrieve his cream (what kind did Jason say? I couldn't make it out) that was clearly not a manly sort of cream.

Fashion floof: Eva's headpiece this week is a spotty bow tie around her head.

Jig is up award: One tortoise does not look like another. Steve and Lloyd are busted with one glance at the replacement for Flash.

Blackmail in perpetuity award: Kylie and Nick have Gail's killing stare on their backs for the rest of their lives now. Or until it all blows up. And it will.

Gob on a Stick award: Kylie has run out of patience and the customers are paying for it. She quit her job and got bladdered on a stolen bottle of wine, too.

Lines of the Week:
Gail "I found something in Lewis' trousers" Audrey "Is that meant to be a joke?" (it doesn't bear thinking about, does it?)
Kylie "There will be more tarts in that front window than in Greggs' front window" (Bakery chain for non UKers)
Eric "Are them cobbles out there or broken hearts?"
Owen "I've learned one thing about bringing up a daughter. You do not negotiate with terrorists"
Eva "Take away my plastic you might as well shoot me!"
Steve "Flash! Aaaaaghhh!" (Channeling Freddie Mercury?)
Eva "Take away my plastic you might as well shoot me!"
Kylie to Nick "Who cares if mummy thinks I'm a slapper, just as long as her blue eyed boy is in the clear" (And that's it in a nutshell)
Kylie to Gail "I don't want you to hate me" (that's train has long since left the station)
Stella about Gloria "She's milking him dry. I'm surprised he doesn't moo"
Sylvia "It's all love me this and love me that" Norris "Or, Do Me Baby" Mary "Chance would be a fine thing!"
Gail "I'm not prepared to play the doting grandmother knowing it could all be a lie" (But it *is* your grandchild either way!)
Steve "If all else fails, deny everything" (I agree with Michelle, that never works for him, really)
Eric "Life in the fast lane, that's us" Gloria "Stella prefers life in the bus lane"
Tina "TMI!" (she explains) Eric "I'm sorry, I can't get on with this modern fashion for acronyms" Tina "Acro-what?"
Jenna "My mum had that tortoise for 40 years" (Wait, she told Lloyd the thing was 15 didn't she? maybe she said 50?)
Izzy "Maybe she can't tell the difference between your sad face and your angry one. Most people don't"
Mandy "Either you're trying to get drunk or you're trying to get me drunk" Lloyd "Can't we do both?"

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