Confusion Over Who Really Killed Osama Bin Laden

Who Killed Bin Laden? -- Washington Times

A second Navy SEAL who reportedly fired the shots that killed Osama bin Laden is challenging an earlier version of events that said the al Qaeda leader was killed by a commando outside bin Laden’s room.

The new account of the May 2, 2011, raid by a member of the ultra-secret SEAL Team Six was disclosed Monday in a report by the Center for Investigative Reporting and Esquire magazine.

The commando, identified in the account only as “Shooter,” described in detail how he and another SEAL entered a room on the third floor of the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. There they saw a tall man believed to be bin Laden standing in the dark using his wife as a shield.

“I’m just looking at him from right here [he moves his hand out from his face about 10 inches],” the SEAL says in the magazine story.

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My Comment:
He is dead and that is A-OK with me.

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