Afghanistan War News Updates -- February 14, 2013

U.S. Army Sgt. William Russell, left, inspects his troops before departing Forward Operating Base Farah on a mission in Farah City, Afghanistan, Feb. 6, 2013. Russell is assigned to Provincial Reconstruction Team Farah. The mission was part of a two-day visit by U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens, assistant chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, to meet with provincial Afghan officials and provincial team members. U.S. Navy photo by Chief Petty Officer Josh Ives

Afghanistan Welcomes Obama Plan for Drawdown -- Voice of America

The Afghan government has welcomed U.S. President Barack Obama's announcement that the United States will withdraw 34,000 troops from Afghanistan over the next year.

Mr. Obama made the promise Tuesday in his annual State of the Union address. He said about half of the U.S. forces currently serving in Afghanistan -- roughly 34,000 -- will be home within a year.

The office of Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Wednesday that Mr. Obama's announcement is "something Afghanistan has wanted for so long now."

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More News On Afghanistan

11 Afghans Killed in Military Actions Near Pakistan Border -- New York Times
Afghan officials say Pakistani fighters, Afghan civilians among dead in NATO air strike -- CBS
Ten Afghan 'Civilians' Killed in NATO Airstrike -- Voice of America
U.S. troops prep for new role in Afghanistan -- Marine Times
Afghan officials welcome drawdown, others dismayed -- Boston Herald/AP
US Troop Drawdown Elicits Mixed Reactions Among Afghans -- Voice of America
Official: US troop pullout from Afghanistan risks monitoring of billions in civilian projects
-- Washington Post/AP
As Troops Leave, an Uncertain Future for U.S. Aid in Afghanistan -- New York Times
U.S. should hit the "pause" button on Afghan aid: watchdog -- Reuters
U.S. Inspector Warns On Afghan Reconstruction Aid -- Radio Free Europe
How long will the US "pause" in Afghanistan last? -- Voice of Russia
Afghan women march against violence -- AP
Don't desert women of Afghanistan -- Wazhma Frogh, Herald Sun
Afghanistan to re-gain security control from NATO -- New Europe
Allen made progress in Afghanistan -- Japan Times/The Washington Post
Former US Commander assesses Afghanistan's future -- ABC News (Australia)
Hopes, fears in Afghanistan -- Trudy Rubin,

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