A Friday News Round Up



# 6960



There has been a good deal of disease news this week, much of which I’ve been unable to get to. So to catch up, a brief roundup of reportage from around the web.



Crof has a report this morning that Another H5N1 patient dies in SW China , along with another story, Cambodia: More on the 7th H5N1 death.


You’ll also find on Crofsblog, an easy to follow Cambodia: H5N1 chronology to February 21.



From CIDRAP News, the tag team of Lisa Schnirring and Jim Wappes produced five stories yesterday, all well worth your attention:


CDC midseason check finds scant flu vaccine effect for seniors

Feds unveil new policies for 'dual-use' H5N1 research

WHO confirms 13th novel coronavirus case

WHO recommends new B strain for next season's flu vaccine

Cambodia reports another H5N1 death


The always terrific Maggie Fox wrote about the latest CDC estimate of flu vaccine effectiveness for NBC News.


CDC says flu vaccine barely worked in over-65s this year


As did the inimitable Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press.



Flu shot gave minimal help to seniors

February 22, 2013 - 4:15am By HELEN BRANSWELL The Canadian Press



And lastly, I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a hat tip to the hardworking newshounds on FluTrackers and the FLu Wiki, whose tireless efforts not only help me in my blogging endeavors, but also provide an ongoing chronicle of emerging disease events around the globe.

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