When we walked in the field this afternoon, Wiggle and Sofy made a nice discovery - an abandoned frisbee!
Sofy was very keen on chasing the frisbee:
She was flicking snow around with her new found toy:
Dusted with snow:
Chasing after the flying frisbee:
Wiggle was less interested, probably he would have preferred to find a tennis ball:
Sofy, pulling faces, because she can:
Wiggle & Sofy, a wintery scene:
Chasing after the frisbee:
Sofy seemed to be enjoying getting covered in snow:
Wiggle makes a dive:
Sofy had got distracted so Wiggle was on his own, running after the frisbee:
So Wiggle, claiming the frisbee as his, tried to chew it:
"Ok, I won't chew it, but only if you thrown it":
His triumph was short lived, as on the next throw, it was Sofy who got the frisbee by diving head first into the snow:
More chasing:
Sofy was going to have to say goodbye to her new toy as we left it in the field so another dog could have fun in the snow: