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» Video: Into The Empty Quarter With Alastair Humphreys And Leon McCarron
Video: Into The Empty Quarter With Alastair Humphreys And Leon McCarron
In December, adventurers Alastair Humphreys and Leon McCarron completed a 1000-mile (1600 km) long journey through the Empty Quarter, a vast desert that stretches over parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Navigating in the footsteps of legendary explorer Wilfred Thesiger, the boys managed to survive by dragging a specially designed cart filled with gear and supplies through the the unrelenting and unforgiving landscape. Now, they're preparing to release a documentary of the expedition, which will be entitled A Meaningless Penance? The intriguing teaser trailer for the documentary can be found below.
A Meaningless Penance? Teaser Clip from Alastair Humphreys on Vimeo.