We left Emerald Bay early Monday afternoon with east winds 25 knots. The wind was almost on the nose so we ran with a main sail only. At Georgetown we anchored along with at least 200 other boats. At 8:00 am there is a cruisers net on the VHF that announces the days activities. There is volleyball, bible study, basket weaving, hiking, conch horn making, something for everyone.
At Night from a distance it looks like a city as everyone has on their anchor light |
We took in a couple of games of volleyball but spent the rest of the time here touring around, restocking and taking care of small jobs on the boat. The town is centred around Lake Victoria where there are dinghy docks which make picking up supplies easier. Access to the lake is made by dinghy though a tunnel just wide enough for single lane traffic.
Entrance to Lake Victoria in Georgetown |
Price shock at the pump |
Tomorrow we are setting out again, island hopping our way to Turks and Caicos. It may be a few days until we have Internet service again so we will send out spot connect messages to let family know where we are.,