Tech Infusion: How 2:1 Laptops Transformed Learning

As NBCTs, we know that we must find a way to meet the needs of each of the unique learners in our classroom. Often the discussion on this topic turns to embedding technology into our lessons. At this year's annual Alabama NBCT Network Conference, join NBCTs, Brandi Caldwell, Sara Wendt and Ginger Freeman, in their session, Tech Infusion: How 2:1 Laptops Transformed Learning.

Technology access is critical in today’s world. Some schools are fortunate to have lots of computers while others are still struggling with out of date devices. Our district decided to embark on a laptop cart initiative with two schools this year. Come join us as we discuss the program, the professional development, and the student learning tools involved when access no longer is the obstacle. See student work, ask questions, and share ideas with two classroom teachers and the technology integration specialist for our district.
Remember, this conference is open to ALL educators and preservice teachers. If you haven't registered, take a couple of minutes and do so now. You won't want to miss out on this opportunity for professional development and networking led by Alabama's own NBCTs.

photo credit: teachingsagittarian via photopin cc

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