The gentleman in this porn film "bares a striking resemblance to Anis Matta, the secretary general of Indonesia's Islamist Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)"

PKS stars in new Porn and Sex Thriller. | THE DRUM

Anis Mata

Indonesia's version of the Muslim Brotherhood is the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). 

On 31 January 2013, we read that Indonesia's anti-graft agency has arrested the head of the PKS on suspicion of corruption.

The PKS is Indonesia's largest Islamist party and is part of the coalition government.

The very well fed Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq, leader of the PKS

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) chairman Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq allegedly accepted a sum of one billion rupiah to secure a government contract.

Indonesia is to have elections in 2014.

Miles Copeland

The CIA and MI6 are said to run the Muslim Brotherhood.

"According to CIA agent Miles Copeland... the CIA began to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood... 

"This signalled the beginning of an alliance between the traditional regimes and mass Islamic movements against Nasser and other secular forces." (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in ...)

Hidayat Nur Wahid, founder of Indonesian radical Islamic party PKS (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)

When the CIA was trying to frustrate democracy in Central America, they used Moslem money, from the Saudis. (Cached)

In Indonesia, money from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf has been financing mosques and preachers demanding a 'purer' form of Islam. (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)

Obama meets Tommy Cooper.

Beginning in the 1970s, "activists linked to the Saudi-sponsored Islamic World League began indoctrinating small groups at the prestigious Bandung Institute of Technology with Brotherhood materials". (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)

In 1998, there was the possibility that Indonesia would change its government and become a democracy like Malaysia, where there is no miserable poverty.

Unfortunately, Indonesia's American-trained military organised the 1998 protest movement.

The May 1998 riots which toppled Suharto were organised by generals linked to the Pentagon and CIA.

Prabowo - 'Master of Terror' has been accused of kidnapping, torture, organising terrorist attacks and leading the CIA coup against Suharto. He was said to be the CIA's chief asset in Indonesia. He was said to have personally tortured people, breaking people's hips.

Certain Chinese people were made the scapegoats for all of Indonesia's problems; most of the old elite, consisting of generals, Chinese-Indonesian businessmen, religious leaders and politicians, remained in power; certain factions within the elite lost out.

Now sections of the elite are using Islam to frustrate democracy.

Why do poor Indonesians vote for the PKS? 

They are fed up with "corruption, poor public services, poverty, and the perceived lack of real political choice." (Playing with Fire in Indonesia)

The PKS is currently in alliance with Indonesia's president Yudhoyono, a former Suharto general. 

Reportedly, the "founding manifesto" of the Justice Party that went on to become the PKS, called for the creation of an Islamic caliphate. (Indonesian Democracy’s Enemy Within)


According to Walter Lohman, "The Indonesian political elite... believe they can turn the PKS's success to their own advantage..." (Playing with Fire in Indonesia)

Why might the CIA be helping the PKS?

Walter Lohman (Playing with Fire in Indonesia) reminds us of "the threat of a burgeoning Chinese presence in Asia."

A Saudi-style Indonesia will have no love for China, and may side with the USA in countering it.

An independent-minded democratic Indonesia might not side with the USA.

Prabowo. Former General Prabowo has emerged as the most popular candidate for president of Indonesia.

Indonesian Model Sarah Azhari.

"Sources have confirmed that Purnomo did indeed have a 'special' relationship with Sundari."

More ministers in trouble over extramarital affairs | 21 September 2012, The Jakarta Post

Defence Minister Purnomo, educated at the University of Colorado. 

"A source close to the Defense Ministry and senior officials at the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) told The Jakarta Post that an intelligence agent had confirmed that Sundari had been Purnomo’s mistress for at least five years. 

"The source also said that Purnomo had bought a house and car worth billions for the singer." 

More ministers in trouble over extramarital affairs | 21 September 2012, The Jakarta Post 

Spot the difference: 

1. Indonesia signs $500 mln contract to buy six Russian jet fighters ...

10 Jan 2012 – Indonesia has signed a $470 million contract with Russia to buy six Sukhoi Su-30MK2 jet fighters for the Indonesian Air Force.

2. Indonesia Says 'No, Thanks' to More Sukhoi Fighters.

9 Aug 2012 – Indonesia will buy no more Sukhoi fighter jets from Russia, opting instead for U.S. F-16s, Air Marshal Eris Herryanto told Flightglobal aviation. 

"Eryn Puspita Sari who works at the US Consulate General Surabaya. She has said she is being blackmailed into marriage with a sex video by a CIA agent named Special Agent Dennis."

"Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro was the press corps’ 'most-wanted' when they spotted him at the State Palace in Central Jakarta last week.

"Journalists followed him asking for comments.

"On this occasion, however, it was no longer about alleged corruption surrounding the procurement of Russian-made Sukhoi fighter jets.

"This time, Purnomo had come under the public spotlight after a gossip tabloid ran a cover story on his alleged affair with Sundari Soekotjo, a prominent singer of keroncong (old-fashioned folk) songs."

More ministers in trouble over extramarital affairs | 21 September 2012, The Jakarta Post

Sukarno and friend.

In the late 1950s, the CIA produced a porn film using an actor who looked like President Sukarno of Indonesia.

(Indonesia Killing Hope William Blum).

The idea was to discredit Sukarno.

This was at a time when the CIA had decided to destabilise Indonesia.

Sukarno was seen by the CIA as not being sufficiently pro-American.

New Russian Plane Crashes Over Indonesia - - 9 May 2012