Robbie Burns dinner

Robbie Burns Day celebrated in style. My friend, cat-sitting client and fellow blogger, Susan & husband, Iain from Just Sayin' invited us for a delicious 'Scottish' dinner with all the trimmings.
Delicious home-made bread.
I could have eaten the loaf  :-o

                                                                 The Menu

Here's my name 'Deborah' in Gallic.
There were poems to be read...
Candles in tea-cups...loved that.
Look at that amazing meal. It was delicious.
'The retired-guy, Iain & John
me, Susan & Joyce

We enjoyed meeting Joyce & John who are long-time friends of Susan & Iain's. It was a great time and " are an amazing cook. Thanks again."
Quite a glow on. Is that the lighting or the whisky?For us, it was the first time celebrating Robbie Burns Day in-style. Drop over and meet Susan.
hugs, Deb

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