OK, as I promised

I know, I said Friday but, things didn't work out that way. I'm here now. To start we did get a lot of rain and the temp. jumped way up.


The road got slushy

With the warm weather, my trees that got buried started showing up.

Then, the snow came back

Yep, you guessed it, time to shovel the snow again. It wasn't as bad as last Winter.

Oh! High there

Disaster almost struck, we had gotten a very wet snow and it weakened one tree enough to almost fall on my cabin. Good thing I spotted it and made a controlled fall. Whew! Now,that was close.

A woman started a dating magazine a few years ago called "ALASKA MEN" mostly well groomed guys from the road system. I was asked to pose for another magazine called "REAL ALASKA MEN" { we put moose on the table, not in our hair, LOL}. Contain yourself ladies.

Yes, I was joking. Yesterday, as I was looking out my window, seems like hundreds of "RedPolls" decended on my feeders. They were fun to watch.

The pictures do get better.

I think this guy liked mugging for a picture.

Took this one this morning.

There really isn't to much going on at this point. I ran out of paint and need to go to town...UGH! to get more. The temp. this morning is 16 degrees. Hope everyone is staying warm. I think this is a good day to make soup. Later.

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