New U.S. Sanctions Sanctions On North Korea Are About To Be Announced

U.S., China In Tentative U.N. Deal On North Korea Resolution: Envoys -- Reuters

(Reuters) - The United States and China have struck a tentative deal on a draft U.N. Security Council resolution condemning North Korea for its December rocket launch, though Beijing has yet to give its final approval, U.N. diplomats said on Friday.

The resolution would not impose new sanctions, but would call for expanding existing U.N. sanctions measures against Pyongyang, the envoys said on condition of anonymity.

The 15-nation council could adopt the compromise resolution next week, they said.

Pakistan's U.N. Ambassador Masood Khan, president of the Security Council this month, declined to say when a draft could reach other council delegations, telling reporters: "Intense consultations have been going on between China and the United States."

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Update: China Said to Agree to UN Resolution Condemning N. Korea -- Bloomberg Businessweek

My Comment:
If this report is true, it tells me that China is "getting fed-up" with what is happening in the 'Hermit Kingdom'. By agreeing to this critical resolution on North Korea, the Chinese are signalling to the North Koreans that support from China should not be taken for granted, and that if reforms are not implemented, more sanctions will probably be the result. Will the North Koreans listen .... unfortunately .... I am betting that they will not.

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