New facts that were discovered in the research work of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, Moscow University, in English

Ecology, environmental science, biology.
New facts  that were discovered in the research work of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov, Moscow University, Fulbright Award winner, in English
100 blog posts. 31 Top Springer Publications and others: biology, ecology, environmental science, facts, ideas,
31 Top Springer Publications (life science, ecology, environmental science, water science, biology: innovations, new facts, new ideas). On Springer Internet service:
new facts, new ideas: ecology, environment: 1,200 words:
legendary.discoveries.2 (NewDraft) New facts on hazardous biological and toxic effects of surfactants and detergents, paradigm shifted on bioassay to assess environmental hazards of
Main Discoveries in environmental science, ecology - examples of NEW FACTS, and NEW CONCEPTS. This concise material includes two updated tables. They are in part based on the book [Ecology and Life Sciences: Bibliography of S. A. Ostroumov. Compiled by A. V.Viktorova and J. Robertson. 4th ed., updated. Мoscow: MAX-Press, 2010. – 132 p. (series: Science. Education. Innovation. Issue 11)]. (Pages 116-131) With additions, updated.
Ostroumov S. A. Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002. Volume 382, p. 18-21. The article presents a new vision of how biodiversity helps towards better stability and water quality. The author made an innovative analysis of his experimental data and formulated the following suggestion: to maintain water quality, it is vital to protect the functionally active biodiversity of water ecosystems. In other words, according to his vision, the protection of functionally active biodiversity, including filter-feeders, is a key to maintenance of water quality. Among  new facts: the detergent IXI 20 mg/L inhibited water filtration by marine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, etc.
Innovation 2. New facts on hazardous biological and toxic effects of surfactants and detergents, paradigm shifted on bioassay to assess environmental hazards of chemicals / pollutants /xenobiotics / waste waters:
Relevant facts that support the conclusions of the papers are presented in book: Biological Effects of Surfactants.
Discovery of the Negative Effects of Cationic Surfactants on the Filtration Activity of Marine Mussels. The first presentation of new data on the inhibition of water filtration by marine mussels (Mytilus, North Atlantic) under effect of synthetic surfactants of three classes (anionic, nonionic, cationic); Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. INHIBITION OF MUSSEL SUSPENSION FEEDING BY SURFACTANTS OF THREE CLASSES. Hydrobiologia. 2006. 556: 381-386.
Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals - ecological and biospheric importance: new priorities and the new facet of bio-chemical ecology (on the basis of the author’s studies)
data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals
BOOK: Dr. Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006) CRC / Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York:
KEY WORDS: new experimental data, review, bioassay, new methods, surface active substances, anionic surfactant, toxic effects, ecotoxicology, phytotoxicity,  non-ionogenic surfactants, ecological, apparent average length, synthetic surfactants, aquatic medium, filtration activity, aquatic objects, potential ecological hazard,  buckwheat, seedlings, tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide,  bivalves,  mussels, oysters,  plankton, Mytilus edulis, Hirudo medicinalis, detergents, aquatic media, pollution, surfactant,  triton X-100, algal,  suspension, plant science, Russian Federation, Black Sea, Moscow State University, Great Britain, Moskva River, Environmental Protection Agency,  Pollution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Soviet Union, World Resources, Caspian Sea, Chesapeake Bay,  filtration rate,
The book includes, inter alia:Examples of some of the species of organisms that were studied in the experiments; new negative effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents on these organisms were discovered:

1. Autotrophs, e.g., the cyanobacteria Synechococcus, diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Brébvascular plants Pistia stratiotes L., Elodea canadensis Michx., Sinapis alba L., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, rice Oryza sativa L., Lepidium sativum L., Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, and Triticum aestivum L.

2. Heterotrophs, e.g., the bacteria Hyphomonas, gastropod molluscs Lymnaea stagnalis, freshwater bivalve  molluscs Unio tumidus, marine bivalve molluscs mussels Mytilus edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and annelid leeches Hirudo medicinalis.
More information see:
41 articles on environmental sciences, and citation of these articles; 
citation in the U.S.A., Russia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, China, Argentina, Philippines, and other countries; selected examples:

Citation in papers and books:
Scientists (in America, Europe, Asia, Australia,  Africa) cited these publications:

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