Fundraising Friday – Those that help

The last blog post was a true but depressing account of what happens in Uganda on a daily basis and I’m sure Uganda is not the only place where kids ‘age out’ of orphanages.

The blog post ended with hope.  There are those that care and go that extra mile.

While Lutaaya was at her former home she had two special Aunties.  Auntie Nancy and Auntie Sara.  They visited the home regularly, spending quality time with all the children and not only raising funds for the essentials, but also spoiling the children with treats.  When Lutaaya moved out of the orphanage and into our guest house, the only things she had with her, were a few small things in a little bag.  The bag was one of the ones a lady from my church had made and that I had taken out with me that July.  The gifts inside the bag were all bought by Auntie Nancy and Auntie Sara.  Her only belongings and only memories, were from these two special ladies.

On returning to the UK, we went shopping in Cardiff while I was still on adoption leave.  Lutaaya pulled at my hand and said there’s Auntie Nancy!  Unbelievably we bumped into each other in the middle of the city.  We didn’t realise how close we lived to each other.  And there our friendship began and Lutaaya was reunited with her Aunties.  We have managed to meet up so many times, it is wonderful to hear all their stories of their continued visits to Uganda. 

Little did we know what plans God had placed on their hearts.  Plans to care for those older, so often overlooked children and teenagers. 

In recent months they have travelled to Uganda to put plans in place to set up their own charity.  Cornerstone Uganda.  They are now registered in both the UK and Uganda.  They are so close to getting up and running! 

Their plan is to take some of the children who still reside at Lutaaya’s former home and have no other exit strategies, into their care.  Their vision states,

We aim to create an environment where young people can truly have a family unit that will support them as they learn skills in order to help them in their future lives.’

Isn’t that wonderful?  To learn skills for their future lives.  There is hope.  These children will get the care and education/training to secure their futures.  They will then get the opportunity to input their own life skills to help the next generation.  These children will be able to see their future and prosper. 

They will not be forgotten or driven out.  This charity will treat every child as an individual and they will support them to reach their potential, whatever that child chooses that to be.  These children will be the future of Uganda and can make a difference to their own country.  These are the politicians, doctors, caterers, engineers, barbers, even presidents of the future. 

We hope to support Cornerstone Uganda in any way we can during our visit this year.  We also plan on supporting the charity throughout the year.  We have seen first hand the relationships Nancy and Sara have with the children, and we value the time and effort their put into developing each and every personality.  They know each child’s likes and dislikes better than orphanage staff.  They have hearts of gold. 

I had a text today to say they will soon be going to Uganda to look for a house.  Their tape measure is at the ready to measure for curtains!  These are exciting times for Cornerstone Uganda and even more exciting time for the young people they will be helping. 

If you would like to help, please check out their website, keep their plans in your prayers and if you are able to help financially, take a look here.  These are remarkable people and we will be supporting and advocating for this charity 100%

These two special ladies blessed my daughter with such precious memories.  They continue to bless so many young people currently in Uganda and caught up in orphanages or poverty.  Now it’s time to bless them, as they are blessed to be a blessing.

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