Family Crab Feed

Last Friday night Kristy and Matt hosted a family crab feed.  Matt's sister, Allison, and her new husband, Wes, stopped over for a few days on their way to Texas.  Wes is in the Air Force and just returned from Korea where he's been serving for a year. Matt's parents, Marie and Dave, also came for dinner, so including grand kids Lauren and Drew, we had nine people for crab legs. 

Matt was at Costco in the morning when they opened their doors and bought almost all the crab legs they had for sale.  Along with a Caesar salad and bread, it was truly a feast!

This was the first batch!

We also had some of the wine purchased during our wine tasting trip earlier in the week.

The crab legs are already cooked, but Matt put them on steamers with a little water in these big pots, covered them, and let them steam until they were hot.  A bunch of bowls of melted butter and we were ready to go.

Matt's Dad moved out of the way so he wasn't blocking the shot, and I told him I wanted him IN the shot, so we took another.  Unfortunately, that picture was blurry, so - Sorry Dave - at least I got your arms and hands. :)

For dessert, Matt's mom, Marie, baked some brownies and brought sweet strawberries and vanilla ice cream.

She bought a bottle of a desert wine from Convergence Vineyards while we were there tasing.  It's a Raspberry Zinfandel Chocolate wine and we poured it over the desert.  Wow!  It was delicious!

Here is Uncle Wes - tall, strong, and a kid magnet.  Even shy Lauren couldn't leave him alone.  He has such patience and the kids just LOVE him.  He picks them up and spins, dunks, twirls, tosses, etc., until he can't do anymore.  The kids laugh hysterically and want more, more, more.

Drew and Lauren sure love their Aunt Allison and Uncle Wes; they are now on their way to Texas and it will be a while before they can visit with them again. I hope you guys find a good house, and thank you for your service, Wes.  Safe Travels!  :)

The photo above is Kristy's family dog, Cody, and that little poodle is Roxie, Marie and Dave's new dog who is about 18 months old.  She is a pistol, and loves to run, play with toys, and generally be playing with Cody all the time.  When we first got here, Katie instantly assumed the Alpha position with Cody.  Then when Roxie was added to the mix, Katie became Cody's (unnecessary and unwanted) protector.  You can see her barking at Roxie from above when Roxie tried to get Cody to play.  Katie did NOT want Roxie playing with Cody.  Sometimes our dogs are noisier and need more discipline than our kids! 

The Crab Feed was wonderful and delicious, and I enjoyed spending more time with your family - thanks Matt and Kristy!

From me and Katie, have a great Tuesday, Everyone!  :)

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