Somali soldiers patrol at the front gate of the presidential palace following a suicide bomb attack in Mogadishu, Somalia, January 29, 2013.
Somali Prime Minister Survives Suicide Bomb Attack Outside Home -- SFGate/Bloomberg
Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Somali Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Saaid survived a suicide bomb blast outside his home in the capital, Mogadishu, lawmaker Abdullahi Omar Abdshir said.
“The prime minister is safe and unharmed, but five security guards” may have been killed in the explosion today, Abdshir said in a phone interview from the city.
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More News On Today's Bomb Attack In the Somali Presidential Compound
Bomb detonates near office of Somali prime minister -- CNN
Suicide blast by offices of Somalia president and PM -- BBC
Suicide attack kills 2 in Somali presidential palace compound; prime minister nearby but safe -- Washington Post/AP
Suicide blast kills two near Somali president's palace -- Reuters
Somalia: Six dead in suicide attack outside PM's office -- The Telegraph
Al-Shabab Claims Responsibility for Mogadishu Bombing -- Voice of America
Al-Qaeda's Shebab claim attack on Somali PM's office, kill six -- Al Arabiya
My Comment: It is going to take years .... if not decades .... before there is any semblance of normality and peace inthis country.