Egyptian Anarchist Movement Emerges with Wave of Firebombings and Street Fights ---- ---- A black bloc marches in
Cairo tonight, preparing for confrontations with security forces near Tahrir Square on the
even of the second anniversary of the revolution. ---- Also see: ?Revolution, Elections,
and Betrayal: Hard Lessons from Egypt?
---- Anarchists have been present in Egypt before, during, and after the revolution, but
until today, they have yet to organize a mass grouping under the banner of anarchism. The
Ultras of Egypt?s football clubs have for years been associated with anarchist ideas and
actions, and they are widely credited with having initiated the level militancy that
brought down the Mubarak government in February of 2011.
Last night, anarchism left the graffitied walls, small conversations, and online forums of
Egypt, and came to life in Cairo, declaring itself a new force in the ongoing social
revolution sparked two years ago with multiple firebombings against Muslim Brotherhood
offices. Later, the government shutdown the ?Black Blocairo? and ?Egyptian Black Bloc?
Facebook pages, but they were soon re-launched.
?Wait for our next attacks as we respond to the closing of our official page?? they posted
in a statement posted online this morning (translated below).
Today, the black bloc made its first mass-appearance in Tahrir Square, and, shortly after,
firebombed the Shura Council (Egyptian Parliament), tore down a section of the
protest-barrier walls leading from Tahrir Square, and, with others, engaged in fighting
against security forces.
These statements and actions are in preparation for tomorrow?s second anniversary of the
revolution, and for what some are calling ?a whole new level? or protest in Egypt.
Anarchism and the black bloc concept has grown in recent months across Egypt, Stemming
from various anarchist grouping/circles that coalesced during the revolutionary period. A
massive distrust among the youth of all political parties, a sharp critique of the role of
religion within governance, and the inspiration of anarchist resistance around the world
(largely symbolized by the late-2008 revolt in Greece) have helped it catalyze.
Below is the statement of Black Blocairo in regards to the removal of their websites,
their firebombing attacks against government offices, and their calls for revolt:
?Yesterday and after we finished our event, we met some of the revolutionary movements and
we decided to unite together in our next attacks, hence we did our first two attacks, as
we told you yesterday:
1- Setting fire to Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) online office.
2- Setting fire in the Ikhwan office in Al-Manial street in Cairo.
And we announced our revolution since today in Al-Tahrir Square untill Egypt and it?s
people get their rights back! Life, Freedom and social justice!
Black Blocairo, The Hooligans
Wait for our next attacks as we respond to the closing of our official page??
Revolution Black Bloc (Egyptian anarchist page)
Black Blocairo (Black Blocairo?s new page)
Black Bloc Egypt
Anarchists of Arabs (Arab anarchist page)
Moroccan Black Bloc
Anarchists in Lebanon
Tunisian Anarchist Movement
Tunisian Anarchist Organization
Tunisian Anarchist
Syrian Anarcha Feminist Movement
Syrian Anarchists
Tahrir ICN (English European solidarity page)
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