At the heart of the re-emerging conflict concerning sovereignty over the Malvinas is old
fashioned mercantile capitalism with the potential to be an electoral boon for political
elites on both sides of the Atlantic. ---- An ICM poll released on 21st January 2013[1]
put Labour's lead over the Tories down to five points. Cameron's vision of the "big
society" is ringing increasingly hollow in the face of persistent negative press coverage,
which has highlighted his government's attacks on the most poor and vulnerable sections of
British society. As cuts begin to bite, the line that austerity is the only way out is
also undermined by the news of staggering profits amongst the county's billionaires[2].
This is while politicians call for a 32% salary increase (to ?86,250)[3] at a time when
workers take real-terms cuts[4]. This is beginning to be reflected in the polls.
Foreign affairs issues, however, always benefit the party in power and a combination of
posturing over the EU, the Algerian hostage crisis and the dispute over the Malvinas could
see Cameron claw back his support.
The real prize in the conflict is, of course, the islands' oil (which triples UK
reserves[5]). Sovereignty over the islands also encompasses territorial claims over
Antarctica (British and Argentinian claims overlap). The Protocol on Environmental
Protection to the Antarctic Treaty currently bans all mineral resource activity in
Antarctica. However, since the 1970s the UK has expressed an interest in commercial
exploration into the oil, coal and mineral deposits below the Southern Ocean[6]. Should
the energy crisis deepen, it's likely that this issue will be opened again (with
disastrous environmental consequences). This is what lies behind these territorial
conflicts over large swathes of ice.
In spite of the anti-imperialist rhetoric of Argentinian premier Cristina Fernandez the
conflict over the islands is fundamentally a dispute between two colonial states. Both
used the (initially uninhabited) island primarily as a penal colony and for periodic,
largely unsuccessful, settlements. The declaration of independence that claimed the
Malvinas for Argentina was made by the colonial settlers and based on a European liberal
model. Indigenous populations in Argentina have been consistent losers in this state and
subject to land grabs and extermination campaigns by the immigrant population throughout
their history[7].
British victory in the 1982 conflict (neither side officially declared war) proved to be a
huge electoral boost for an increasingly unpopular Conservative government in 1983. In
Argentina, the invasion was launched by a beleaguered dictatorship hoping to utilise
conscription and a populist irredentism to dampen increasing dissent to the regime. The
unpopularity of the conflict and corruption within the professional military eventually
proved to be their final undoing.
In contemporary terms both Cameron and Fernandez have been doing a fair bit of political
posturing. The British government has been making big publicity of its intention to drill
Malvinas' oil. It also recently named the disputed Antarctic land in honour of the
Queen[8]. The conservative press in this country have also been ramping up the Jingoistic
sentiment. Most notable was The Sun, which published a "hands off" letter in an
Argentinian newspaper[9].
Meanwhile the Argentinian premier wrote a letter of protest to The Guardian and is
utilising some pretty bombastic rhetoric on the international stage to condemn Cameron.
This is clearly to curry the favour of her populist left base, particularly the youth
movement, a key section of her support[10].
In both cases it is a distraction from the politics of austerity, increasingly unpopular
cuts and draconian attitudes towards political opposition. Both Fernandez and Cameron are
facing trade union opposition to their policies with threatened national strike days.
Fernandez's term technically expires in 2015 but it is alleged that supporters hope to
change the constitution to allow her to run again.
As anarchist communists our perspective is informed by a commitment to both
anti-imperialism and opposition to capital and the state. The neoimperialist practices of
the UK state and its accompanying capital interests should be criticised. We need to be
clear that it is the old and familiar colonial interest of resource extraction that is
behind the British state?s alleged concern for the fate of the islands' inhabitants. As a
centre state the UK also plays a continuing role in keeping itself at a competitive
advantage to peripheral states like Argentina by utilising the contemporary disciplining
mechanisms of the international market and its institutions such as the IMF and World
Bank. At the same time, we acknowledge the cynical way that elites on both sides are
exploiting the dispute for their own ends. In both cases the politics of nationalism and
irredentism present a distraction from social and political issues that bring class
inequalities to the forefront.
- CW
* Collective Action is an association of anarchist communists based in the UK
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