Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/11/2013

  • The Asia Society did a book study a while back on Julie's and my book Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds but they also study and are passionate about developing global competency as reflected in this blog post about how to use technology to develop global competence. Technology is uniquely suited to help connect.

    tags: flatclass edtech news global competency

  • "Slavery is outlawed almost everywhere but occurs almost everywhere." This photojournalist is combatting this crime against humanity the only way she knows how - by capturing the pictures. This is an issue we should all care about and speak out about through our social media network and these are some great photos to share and discuss with those old enough to have the conversations - sadly - some not old enough to have the conversations are LIVING it daily that that has to change.

    tags: news endslavery

  • Was just on a radio show recently talking about how to keep up with the pace of education technology with my dear friend Maria Knee, Dr. Kathy King and others. It was a short but powerful conversation.

    tags: news technology podcast

  • My sister is an online professor for Savannah College of Art and Design and teaches graphic design without ever being face to face with her students. The things she does with Adobe Breeze and Adobe products totally blow me away - she has such a great relationship with her students and a warm, encouraging classroom (from what the students I've met online tell me. I know she's my sister and some of you are wondering why on earth I'd share this on my blog. Well, it is because I'm proud of her and many of her conversations with me over dinners and plane trips and car rides have so shaped what I do on this blog. She gives me thoughts and advice and is the one member of my family who reads (almost) everything I write. I'm so grateful for her advice and wisdom and, yes, mentorship - although she's my younger sister - there's nothing baby about her. If you want to know about the elearning award and measures they used, you can read this article linked. Congratulations, Sarah, I'm proud of you sister, and thank you for all you've taught me. you ROck elearning, I'm so proud of this award.

    tags: news elearning

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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