Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 01/31/2013

  • I love this reflection from a teacher using the Flat Classroom 15 challenges as part of her coursework and studying the book Flattening Classrooms, Engaging Minds. I love how the teacher reflects on learning and what it means to be in a network of learning. Look at the conclusions the teacher draws while comparing learning to other students. This is the kind of learning we need to do! I left this comment: "I Love it! "I am sold." Well, I'm here, and I wrote the book. Here's another benefit of what you're doing. By sharing openly, you connect with others around the same topic. One tip. I use Google reader and if you use it, you can go into settings and create a "bundle" and share it with others so they can subscribe to the same feeds too! ;-) Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for mentioning the name of the book so I could find you and respond. I subscribe to a google blog search for the words "Flattening Classrooms" and everyone who blogs using those terms is sent into my RSS reader. Then, I checked Mr. Reader and was able to see what you're doing. This is "brand management" which is a third use of RSS as we talk about in the book! "

    tags: news flatclass flatclassroom pln teaching

  • Mac prodductivity apps are going on sale. Here's an overview of some great apps. "The sale will go from week to week, through three categories - including Prioritize, Organize, and Utilize - with apps for various needs. Like Us on Facebook The first week's category is Prioritize, and it includes Clear, Things, 2Do, Due, Todo, TaskPaper, the Hit List, and BreakTime. These apps all have deep discounts, some around 50 percent. For example, Todo is down from $14.99 to $6.99 and Things used to cost you $49.99, right now it costs $24.99.

    tags: news productivity

  • This article from the Wall Street Journal gives a nice overview of many of the techniques being used today. I've got a hybrid of quite a few systems and have moved my task management from an app to pen and paper with Evernote tracking my master tasks using the Secret Weapon method. Great article that really cautions against some of the pitfalls of modern "productivity" apps. "Trendy digital tools aren't for everyone. Many people suffer when they try to eliminate all paper, says Ms. Stack; the tactile experience of using pen and paper helps some think clearly. Some "get creative flashes at random times, like at night in their beds," when powering up a digital device may not be practical, she says. Others say reading on a computer gives them a headache, or their fingers are too fat to type on a smartphone, she says.

    tags: news productivity evernote

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.