1988 F-150 and West Texas

from our man in far-West Texas, Don Culberston, who always has an eye for a Ford. "The real deal. Mr Madrid bought this new and it's been a farm truck on the Rio Grande for years."--DC
Oh lord I miss West Texas. Lately I have been reading the wonderful memoirs of Ben. K. Green,
a cowboy, cattle buyer, and writer who started out in the cattle bidness in 1929 and has things to say about ranching and cowboying that are unromanticized and accurate and goddamn true. As well as colorful. My experience was very limited in time and place to the hill country of Alberta (Sundre, Dog Pound, James River Bridge) in the mid-70s, and I was about as far as you could get from being a top hand and still be on a horse, but what Mr Green has to say about the life sure rings true. Have a look at his Wild Cow Tales. Miles better than the usual folksy bushwa on the subject.