It's been raining practically non stop since we arrived to Grenada so we haven't had the opportunity to explore the island as yet. Been indoors working on the boat, Alex with installations and me on the computer for the most part. Reading a lot these days too, just started to dig into Memoirs of a Gesiha by Arthur Golden. Though I've heard much about it, I have neither seen the movie in full nor read the book previously so it's intriguing to throw myself into the colorful suggestive Japanese culture for a bit. In between all this we're planning our next few months. We have a friend flying in from the US right after new year with whom we will be sailing to Colombia so we'll stay in Grenada until then. Decided to haul the boat out and prepare most parts here in Grenada so we have around three weeks to go and can take the whole process as comfortably slow as we wish. We have after all at least three months to kill somewhere before we can transit the canal and get out on the much longed for other side. It's been a busy year for us but the ambiance is different as we approach the end of the year. Less boat work, less stress and we're rather flowing towards the next step of this journey. Things feel good and we are happy to be where we are. If only the rain could calm down so we can get to see those beautiful rainfalls we've heard so much about. Image from when we arrived to Grenada last week.