This post features videos by Brazilian vocalist/guitarist Djavan performing two of his popular songs: "Flor De Lis" and "Oceano".
This post also includes information about Djavan and the Portuguese lyrics and English translations of these two songs.
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Djavan... full name Djavan Caetano Viana) is a Brazilian singer/songwriter, (born 27 January 1949, in Alagoas, Brazil)[1] Djavan combines traditional Brazilian rhythms with popular music drawn from the Americas, Europe and Africa. He can arguably be categorized in any of the following musical genres: Música Popular Brasileira (Brazilian pop), samba, or Latin dance.
Born into a poor family in Maceió (capital of Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil), Djavan formed the group Luz, Som, Dimensão (LSD – "Light, Sound, Dimension"), playing Beatles' singles. In 1973, Djavan moved to Rio de Janeiro and started singing in local nightclubs. After competing in several festivals, he gained attention and recorded the album A Voz, o Violão e a Arte de Djavan in 1976. The album included the song "Flor de Lis," which became one of his most memorable hits. Albums that followed included his other musical influence, African music, and additional hits followed, such as "Açaí", "Sina," and "Samurai," which featured Stevie Wonder's harmonica. His best known compositions are: "Meu Bem Querer," "Oceano," "Se...," "Faltando um Pedaço," "Esquinas," "Te devoro," and "Serrado".
Video #1: 16-djavan-Flor de lis [HD 640x360 XVID Wide Screen].avi
VSDECO1, Uploaded on Jan 30, 2012
LYRICS: Flor de lis
Flor de Lis [Portuguese]
Valei-me Deus, é o fim do nosso amor
Perdoa por favor, eu sei que o erro aconteceu
Mas não sei o que fez tudo mudar de vez
Onde foi que eu errei
Eu só sei que amei, que amei, que amei, que amei
Será, talvez, que minha ilusão
Foi dar meu coração com toda força
Pra essa moça me fazer feliz
E o destino não quis
Me ver como raiz de uma flor de lis
E foi assim que eu vi nosso amor na poeira, poeira
Morto na beleza fria de Maria
E o meu jardim da vida ressecou, morreu
Do pé que brotou Maria
Nem margarida nasceu
Lily Flower [English]
God, help me, our love is over
Forgive me, I know I did something wrong
But I don't know what exactly made things change so suddenly
What did I do wrong?
I'm only sure that I loved and loved like no one else
Can it be that my mistake was
To have given my heart to her with all my soul
So she could make me a happy man
But the destiny did not want me
to be attached to someone as are roots to a lily flower?
This way I watched our love coming to dust,
Dying in the coldness of her beauty
And the garden of my life wilted and died
And on the same tree she once blossomed from,
Not even a single daisy has bloomed anymore
Lyrics from submitted by algebra on Thu, 22/07/2010
Video #2: Djavan – Oceano
Uploaded on Sep 27, 2011
Oceano [Portuguese]
Assim que o dia amanheceu
Lá no mar alto da paixão
Dava prá ver o tempo ruir
Cadê você?
Que solidão!
Esquecera de mim?
De tudo o que
Há na terra
Não há nada em lugar nenhum!
Que vá crescer
Sem você chegar
Longe de ti
Tudo parou
Ninguém sabe
O que eu sofri...
Amar é um deserto
E seus temores
Vida que vai na sela
Dessas dores
Não sabe voltar
Me dá teu calor...
Vem me fazer feliz
Porque eu te amo
Você deságua em mim
E eu oceano
E esqueço que amar
É quase uma dor...
Só sei viver
Se for por você!
Ocean [English]
As day dawned
There, over the sea of the passion
I could see the time in ruins
Where are you?
What a loneliness!
Did you forget me?
And then,
In name of all that
exists in this earth, I swear that
There won't be, at nowhere,
a thing that grows up,
without your presence
Far from you,
all is paralyzed
Nobody knows
how I suffered
Love is a desert
with many threats
Life riddles on the saddle
of my pain
And doesn’t know the way back
Give me your heat
Come and make happy
because I love you.
You flow into me
and I am the ocean.
And I forget that love...
is almost pain
I only can to live
if I live for you
Lyrics from , submitted by algebra on Thu, 05/03/2009
Thanks to Djavan for composing & performing these songs. Thanks also to the other musicians featured in these videos, the transcribers of these songs, the author/s of Djavan's Wikipedia page, and the uploaders of these videos.
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