Tynga of Tynga's Reviews has a meme to spotlight the books we receive each week. Visit her site to check out the linky and see what everyone gets. I guarantee that your TBR pile will grow.
This week I added six books to my TBR mountain - four print books and two new ones for my Kindle.
I am a fan of Jill Shalvis' romances. When I saw that Amazon had picked Forever and a Day as one of the best romances of the year, I had to buy a copy for my Kindle.
I also got Think About Love by Vanessa Grant which was free this week for my Kindle. I saw it on someone's blog and thought it sounded interesting.
I also thought it was time to take a look at my Amazon wishlist and either buy the book or take it off the list. I got a copy of An Apple for the Creature which is an anthology containing stories by lots of authors I like. I am not a big fan of anthologies in general but I wanted to read those stories.
I also recently saw a posting about the best Star Trek novels. I had read most of them but there were a couple I hadn't ever read. I had a chance to get The Captain's Daughter by Peter David for a good price through the Amazon Marketplace and decided to buy it.
My keeper copy of Scent of Magic by Maria V. Snyder arrived this week. I read the eARC from NetGalley and had to get this one for my keeper shelf.
Finally, I bought The Silvered by Tanya Huff. I like her work and this sounded like an interesting fantasy story.
What did you add to your stack this week?