President Obama: Terrorists Still Want To Have Nuclear Weapons

President Barack Obama delivers remarks to the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction symposium held at the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., Dec. 3, 2012. Joing the President on stage are, from left: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta; former Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga.; and Sen. Richard Lugar, R- Ind.(Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)

Terrorist Still Eying Nuclear Weapons, Says Obama -- Zee News

Washington: The world is facing a constant threat from terrorists prying to attain nuclear weapons, the US President Barack Obama said, emphasizing the need to secure such weapons and that world must continue to stand guard.

"Even with all your success - the thousands of missiles destroyed, bombers and submarines eliminated, the warheads that have been deactivated - we're nowhere near done. Not by a long shot. You all know this," Obama said.

"There's still much too much material - nuclear, chemical, biological - being stored without enough protection. There are still terrorists and criminal gangs doing everything they can to get their hands on it," Obama said in his address to the "Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction" symposium.

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Update: Obama: Terrorists Doing All They Can to Get Nuclear Materials -- Voice of America

My Comment
: This is probably President Obama's number one nightmare scenario. (not including wars, economic collapse, etc.).

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