November Reading Report

I found this image at Mrs. Wilks Word Processing Blog
I finished 18 books this month. That seems to be the most common number of books I read a month during the school year. I read 18 in January, February, October and November. This month I read 5801 pages bringing my year's total to 79,803. My eighteenth book in November was my 250th of the year on the list I keep. 

Like October, November was a big month again for review books. I read 15 this month. Nine of the books I read were young adult and nine were adult.

My favorite adult books were Archangel's Storm by Nalini Singh and Dangerous Waters by Toni Anderson. My favorite young adult books were Griffin's Storm by Darby Karchut and Vessel by Sarah Beth Durst. The titles are linked to my reviews. 

According to LibraryThing, I added 43 books to my TBR mountain in November. 16 were new review books. I added 18 non-review books to my Kindle this month including 4 free books. 23 of the 43 were new young adult books. My total number of books in the To Read collection is now a staggering 1439.

What was November like for you?

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