Libya Not Cooperating In The US Consulate Attack Investigation

Libyan Reluctance Hampers U.S. Investigation Into Deadly Benghazi Assault -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — An unarmed American military surveillance drone now flies virtually every day over Benghazi, gathering information and poised to respond at a moment’s notice if any of the suspects believed to be behind the attacks last Sept. 11 on the American Mission in the Libyan city are located.

But three months after the assault that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the investigation into the attacks has been hobbled by the reluctance of the Libyan authorities to move against Islamist extremist suspects who belong to powerful militias, officials briefed on the investigation said. While the F.B.I. has identified several suspects, none have been arrested and some have fled Benghazi.

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Update #1: U.S. officials: Mission probe slow going -- UPI
Update #2: Hunt for killers of U.S. Ambassador in Benghazi 'being held back by Libya' - as Republicans claim military not FBI should investigate attack -- Daily Mail

My Comment: In the meantime .... we are learning something new everyday on the Benghazi attack.

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