1932-40 Scott 9 25c dark red & dark brown "Carib Archer"
1929-40 French Guiana overprinted for Inini
Quick HistoryBetween 1930-1946, the interior of French Guiana, a territory known as "Inini", was administered separately from French Guiana in the hope of developing the interior. Prisoners from Annam in Indochina, who had revolted against French rule there, where brought in to construct a railroad.
Population was considered to be 5,000 in 1946, and the Capital was St. Elie.
The interior jungle called "Inini"
A failed experiment
Stamps of French Guiana were overprinted from 1932-1940. The Vichy government printed stamps in 1941 and 1944 without the "RF" inscription, but they were never placed on sale in Inini.Was the attempt to build a railroad and colonize the interior a success? No. But the ruins of three prisons are still visible.
Into the Deep Blue
Despite the failed experiment, and lack of demand (to say the least) by the Ininians for post office services, the stamps of Inini are widely found in WW albums. The packet trade must have been busy. ;-)
I originally came across the Inini stamps while doing the French Guiana post.
For initial impressions, refer to:
The Scott Classic specialized catalogue has, from 1932-40, 58 major descriptions, including 5 semi-postals, and 10 postage dues. A CV of <$1-$1+ is found for 44 stamps ( 76%).
1938 Scott 4 4c olive brown & red violet, overprinted
The lower values have the French Guiana issue of 1932-40 were overprinted as above for "use" in Inini. The total issue had a whopping 40 stamps. CV ranged from <$1-$1+ for 36 stamps. Of interest, the 1fr light violet & brown and the 1.75fr brown, red & black-brown are a healthy $10+.
1932-40 Scott 13 40c orange brown & olive gray, overprinted
"Shooting Rapids, Maroni River"
The middle values (17 stamps) are represented by the design as shown. One must admit that, although the issue volume seems excessive, the designs by the French are interesting.
Postage Due 1932 Scott J1 5c indigo & Prussian blue
Postage Due stamps of French Guiana, 1929, overprinted
The 1921 Inini postage due set of 10 stamps is illustrated with an example above. The CV is <$1, but if found on cover with legitimate use, the price rises to $1.200+. ;-)
Deep Blue
Deep Blue (Steiner) has 6 pages for the issues of Inini, and follows the Scott catalogue nicely.
The overprinted "Careb Archer" stamps for Inini in Deep Blue
Although the stamp design is nice, I can't help but wonder: Whatever happened to those 500 prisoners from Annam?............
1932-40 Scott 6 10c magenta & brown
Big Blue
Big Blue '69, on two pages, has 48 spaces for the stamps of Inini, including 9 spaces for postage dues. Coverage is an astounding 83%. Contrasts with the rather parsimonious offerings for some other countries. ;-)
Next Page
Postage Due
A) Expensive stamps ($10 threshold):
1932-40 Scott 24 1fr light violet & brown ($10+)
1933 Scott 32 1.75fr brown, red & black brown ($10+)
1932-40 Scott 8 20c dark blue & olive green, overprinted
Out of the Blue
Striking (easily available) stamps, failed experiment. ugly history.
Note: Map, pics appear to be in the public domain.
The interior, "Inini", of French Guiana