White Dog peered down over my shoulder and gave a whisper of a sigh. "Don't be jealous, Little One," I replied. "Oh momma, I am not jealous I was just thinking what a wonderful moment you and Puff are sharing and how long it has been in coming." White Dog nuzzled me to return my attentions to Still Another White Dog and my eye filled with tears.
When Puff came to us she was nearly feral; a used up puppy mill breeder turned out to become a Kansas yard dog with no shelter save straw through all of the elements and seasons. She was terrified of being indoors and we had to barricade her inside the first few weeks to keep her from running out to the corner of the yard and trying to nest in the dry leaves there. She trembled when held and struggled with all of her might to escape...back outside, of course. I was reduced to tears because she cringed whenever I reached to touch her and she cried out I got too close.
Even now SAWD is our shyest girl and she still is by no means a cuddler. She will patiently allow us to brush her coat, do percussive thumping when she has lung congestion, and put on her sweater or harness but to hold her just for togetherness still does not come naturally to her. If she is feeling extraordinarily safe and at peace she will lie touching your feet but any shift sends her scurrying.
So this afternoon, when Puff stretched out with her paw crossing my foot I remained still as a statue so I could just enjoy the touch of her against me. I felt her move and thought, "don't go" thinking that she was about to leave. Instead she moved her body across my foot and rested her head on my other. Slowly I leaned over and just watched her settle into a nap mode, eyes closing. My heart filled with joy that this little one has come so far in learning to trust.
And then...she turned on her back, legs resting against mine, and fully exposed her belly.My heart nearly stopped and I dared not move. But she pressed closer and opened her eyes. This was not some dreaming randomness. Puff looked at me and clearly invited me to rub her belly. I moved slowly and reached my hand down, ready to stop the second I felt her flinch. But she didn't.
I tried to be soft as a feather as a drew my fingers down over her sweater and reached uncovered fur. There I rested my hand for a moment. I felt her relax and move toward my touch, then trustingly close her eyes.
TOMORROW IS THE DAY...WHITE DOG'S 8th BIRTHDAY! And you are invited to our Pay It Forward Party! Do something nice, meaningful and in the spirit of giving then leave us a comment to share your Act. It is as easy as that! White Dog, Siku Marie, does so much for so many that we, The White Dog Army, could think of no better way to honor her on her special day than by a post brimming with Good Deeds, ripples from all over making the world a more wonderful place. Come and add your colors to our rainbow of celebration!