A Special Request
White Dog Army here. Dad has taken White Dog to run errands with him so we could post this without her knowing. In just FIVE days, Saturday, White Dog has a birthday. She will be eight years old. Momma says this is too incredible, where have all those years gone?
We say the White Dog is the best sister and leader of the Army a pup could hope for. Yes, we understand that she is a diva and has to have things HER way most of the time...but usually she has a good reason. TheWDA knows that when baby Siku Marie came to live with momma and dad that none of them thought that someday they would become an Army!
And yet when momma saw Quinn's hopeless photo from deathrow, it was White Dog who said, "we can't just let him die. DO something!" With the help of the whole world and many who helped because they knew and could not resist Siku, Quinn was pulled one day before he was to die. He became The Other White Dog.
And when plans to take in a girl in the Midwest who needed a home changed because she found a forever home closer to where she was, the pawrents said that it was wonderful that she had a loving family. It was WD who reminded every one of the little deaf Florida girl who kept getting adopted and returned because no one wanted to deal with the special issues of her disability. "Now WE can adopt her," was Siku's response...and Nuka Angel joined us.
And five days later when momma discovered that Siku's birthplace had become a horrible puppy mill as a result of cancer, its costs, and the loss of the family farm, White Dog, too, was horrified and sent dad flying on a tiny little plane to rescue a broken down breeder dog, heart worm positive, with scabbed flea bitten ears, who had been living outside without protection from the Kansas elements. "No relative of mine, no matter how distant, is going to die from neglect if I can help it," were her words as Puff joined our growing family.
When Hana (one of White Dog's very first blogging friends who lives at the rainbow bridge) sent word through her hu-mom about an abused blind Eskie rescued along with over 20 other show dogs, it was WD who convinced dad that our home had room for yet one more. And YoYoMa made his way home.
The call looking for Albuquerque's "Eskie People" had White Dog sitting at the van door before momma and dad even finished making arrangements to pick up Oso at Animal Control. Her look said "what are we waiting for?" White Dog knew each time the Army expanded that her responsibilities would grow and that she would have to share the peeps even more. But that didn't stop her.
We have heard her and momma talking and WD always says that she just could not ignore our plights. That she was so blessed from the start with everything she has ever wanted or needed and that she has felt completely safe and totally loved always...she had to share that.
So we can think of no better way to celebrate Siku's birthday on Saturday than with a Pay It Forward Party. We ask everyone to pay forward their good fortune in some unique and personal way...make a donation of green papers or time...do a kind deed to someone unexpectedly...bring a bit a joy to someone lacking a smile...share your best bone with your siblings. It doesn't have to be big or spend money. But it DOES have to be a celebration of the spirit that makes Siku so special. It must share something of yourself!
And on Saturday we ask you to leave us a comment telling White Dog of how her ripple has spread into a party of paying it forward. Share with us what you have done. The WDA is paying it forward, too! We will tell on Saturday what we have planned. Please join us in making our sister's day truly special...she so deserves it!