Bahria University, Karachi, Pakistan; Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi-Pakistan;, King Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: cited science at Moscow university. ** Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality. - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, environmental, hazards, man-made, impacts, anthropogenic, effects, pollutants,

Bahria University,  Karachi, Pakistan;
Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Karachi-Pakistan;
King Abdul Aziz University,  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
cited science at Moscow University.


Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality. - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 11 (10): 1443-1454, 2012;
ISSN 1990-9233;
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2012.11.10.63209;
Corresponding Author: Mughal Sharif, Environmental Research Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karach-75260, Pakistan.  Tel: +9221-99240002-6(Ext.329).
Yasmin Nergis,  Mughal Sharif,  Afzal Farooq Choudhry, 
1 1 2
Ahmed Hussain and  Jawad Abdullah Butt
3 1

1 Environmental Research Center, Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi-75260, Pakistan

2 Department of Environmental Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts,
Science and Technology, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus Karachi-Pakistan

3Department of Mechanical Engineering,
King Abdul Aziz University, Rabigh Campus, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

cited the paper of Moscow State University scientist:

Ostroumov, S.A., 2003. Anthropogenic effects on the
biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria
for analysis of ecological hazards. - Rivista di Biologia,
96(1): 159-169.
[author: Sergei A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University]

Full text see:;

Also, some info on this paper see:;
Key words: ecology, bioassay, environmental, hazards, man-made, impacts, anthropogenic, effects, pollutants, xenobiotics, biofiltering, water self-purification, aquatic ecosystems, criteria, system, level, block, approach, analysis, ecological, biota, TX100, Mytilus edulis, mussels, filtration, non-ionic, surfactant, bivalves,

Ключевые слова: экология, биотестирование, науки об окружающей среде, опасности, связанные с деятельностью человека, последствия, антропогенные, воздействия, загрязняющие вещества, ксенобиотики, биофильтрация, самоочищение воды, водные экосистемы, критерии, система, уровень, блок, подход, анализ, экологический, биота, TX100, Mytilus edulis, мидии, фильтрация, неионогенные, поверхностно-активное вещество, двустворчатые моллюски

See also the papers:

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.


Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus, Atlantic Ocean; ecotoxicology of cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents

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First paper to report concentrations of a number of rare earth elements (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system.

Modern comments on innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms; new inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.

First and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences.

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