What Is The Petraeus Scandal's Impact On National Security

Spyfall -- Time

Paula Broadwell stepped off the stage at the Aspen Security Forum on July 28, fresh from criticizing the news media for heedless disclosure of secrets. The afternoon program of seminars was packed with admirals, generals and Cabinet chiefs, but Broadwell had pressing business elsewhere. She ducked out of the conference, slipped into running shorts and jogged off in search of a once-in-a-­lifetime birthday present.

Broadwell and CIA Director David Petraeus had fallen into an extramarital affair after years of close contact as biographer and subject. Born two days and 20 years apart, they had big benchmarks approaching—his 60th, her 40th—and Broadwell was looking for a suitably momentous gift. As she had tweeted proudly a few days before, Broadwell had a date for a “1v1 run with Lance Armstrong.” What she did not mention was her plan to recruit Armstrong for a surprise birthday bike ride with the fitness-mad Petraeus. If all went as she planned, the retired four-star general would ride into his seventh decade alongside cycling’s greatest star.

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More News On What Impact Will The Petraeus Scandal Have On National Security

Petraeus: I did not pass classified info -- CNN
Petraeus says he didn't share classified information with Broadwell -- NBC
Petraeus affair: Obama sees 'no evidence' of breach
-- BBC
Obama: No evidence of security breach in scandal -- Stars and Stripes/AP
Obama Says National Security Not Compromised by Petraeus -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Is Petraeus pillow talk a security threat? -- Joe Sterling, CNN

My Comment: What's my take .... President Obama says that there has been no breach on security .... but .... I then read stories like this that clearly contradicts this statement.

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