U.S. Report: Afghanistan Incapable Of Sustaining Security After NATO Withdrawal

Afghan local police trainees in Helmand Photo: Erik De Castro/REUTERS

Afghanistan 'Will Be Unable To Run Military Bases Post Nato Withdrawal' -- The Telegraph

Afghanistan will probably be unable to keep running the military bases its international backers have spent billions building after Nato troops leave, a US Congressional report has said.

Kabul's military has neither the staff, nor the expertise, to maintain or operate hundreds of bases it will inherit from the coalition troops as they prepare to withdraw combat forces by the end of 2014.

The audit from a Congressional watchdog which checks the billions America has poured into Afghanistan questioned whether the efforts to bolster the Afghan police and army against the Taliban were sustainable.

The Afghan government would "likely be incapable of fully sustaining Afghan national security forces facilities after the transition in 2014 and the expected decrease in US and coalition support" it warned.

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More News On A U.S. Auditor's Report That Afghanistan Will Be Incapable Of Sustaining Security After The Withdrawal

Afghanistan security forces report raises fears over long-term stability -- The Guardian
Afghan Security Not Ready for 2014, Report Says -- USA Today
Afghan Called Ill-Prepared to Maintain Bases on Their Own -- Bloomberg Businessweek
US Audit Finds Afghanistan Incapable of Sustaining Security -- Voice of America
ANSF unable to sustain self by 2014, warns watchdog -- The E-Ring/Foreign Policy
Watchdog SIGAR blasts the ANSF
-- Foreign Policy