ST Settled Caltech Patent Infringement Claims ST has settled claims brought by Caltech alleging STMicro, Nokia and RIM infringed image sensing technology patents.

Administrative Law Judge issued an order Monday putting the proceedings on hold pending the end of an ITC investigation and said the settlement would resolve claims that STMicro made smartphone camera components that allegedly infringed Caltech's patents and sold the parts to Nokia and RIM. "Caltech has entered into a settlement and license agreement with [STMicro] that resolves all outstanding issues in this investigation," the judge said.

The original lawsuit also included Siliconfile, SETi, Toshiba, LG and Pantech. Law360 article says that by now Caltech has settled with all defendants in that suit. The patents-in-suit are U.S. Patents 5,841,126; 5,990,506; and 6,606,122.

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