Secrets of ecology of clean water. aquatic, ecosystems, water safety, environmental, ecological, toxicology, water quality, sustainability, pollution control, water, self-purification, detergents, filter-feeders, suspension feeders, surfactants, detergents, freshwater, marine ecology, environment, chemico-biotic interactions, water purification,
Secrets of ecology of clean water
Pictures of Lake Baikal:
See the papers on
fundamental and applied issues of
general ecology,
aquatic ecology, water quality, pollution control, analysis of man-made effects on the biosphere:
Very short list
and a more extended
list of 25 innovative publications, with bibliography and full texts online:
Very short list:

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus, Atlantic Ocean; ecotoxicology of cationic, anionic, and non-ionogenic detergents

New aspects of water quality formation and water quality control in natural freshwater and marine ecosystems; new facts on negative effects of chemical pollutants (e.g., synthetic surfactants and detergents) on aquatic organisms, especially filter-feeders.

First paper to report concentrations of a number of rare earth elements. Gold, uranium, and others (Ce, Nd, U, Hf, Cs, Au) in biological detritus in an aquatic system.

Modern comments on innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators).

Innovative theory of ecological mechanisms of self-purification of water in freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms function together toward making water clear and clean.

Detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.

New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms; new inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.

First and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of 3 countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences.

A new modernized definition of the term "pheromones";  new concepts, namely ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators, ecological chemoeffectors.

list of 25 innovative publications:

The goal of this list is to provide a short information on a series of 25 innovative publications on environmental science and ecology. The papers were authored by scientists of Moscow State University and their co-authors. The list is not a comprehensive analysis of this broad area but a summary of some selected examples which are useful both in advancing further research and in modernization of environmental education. The list is structured and divided into 25 short sections that are easy to read.
1. Biomachinery.
    In the insightful review paper [1], an innovative concept of ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term that was proposed and explained in detail by the author. According to the author of this paper [1], biomachinery means ecological mechanisms that include biological communities and biodiversity) which improves water quality. The innovative experimental data analysis, concepts, and generalizations in this article provide the fundamental elements of the new qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems [1].

2. Rare earth elements in biodetritus in an aquatic system.
            This paper is the first publication that reported the concentrations of a number of rare earth elements in biodetritus in an aquatic system [2].

3. Innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators)
The paper explained the innovative scientific terms (ecological chemomediators, ecological chemoregulators) that were coined in 1986 inthe book S.A.Ostroumov ‘Introduction to Biochemical Ecology’ [3].

4. New qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality.
This article provides the fundamental elements of a new qualitative theory of biocontrol of water quality in a systematized form. The theory covers water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems.[4].

5. Filtration of water by invertebrate organisms, filter-feeders.
Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. HYDROBIOLOGIA,  2006, Volume: 556,  Pages: 381-386.
The first paper that reports experiments that showed that all three main kinds of synthetic surfactants (detergent chemicals) slow down the filtration of water by marine organisms, filter-feeders (the bivalve mussels of Atlantic Ocean, the Latin name Mytilus edulis). [5].

  6. New theory of ecological self-purification of water.
A detailed well-structured presentation of the author’s innovative and multifaceted conceptualization of how almost all aquatic organisms work together toward making water clear and clean. This paper formulated a new theory of ecological self-purification of water [6].
On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. -RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420.

  7. New concepts and terminology: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality.
New concepts and terminology were introduced in the paper: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Opinion paper. Also, a review paper. [7].
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.
HYDROBIOLOGIA,  2005, Volume: 542,  Pages: 275-286.

  8. New aspect of the functioning of ecosystem.
Opinion paper: A detailed analysis of the discovery and innovation: a new aspect of the functioning of ecosystem was discovered and analyzed. The paper showed that ecosystem has attributes of a bioreactor. It is considered as a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. [8].

  9. New facts on hazards of synthetic detergents as environmental pollutants.
New facts on how detergents slow down the filtration of water by aquatic organisms (bivalve mussels, oysters and others). New inhibitory effects of surfactants TDTMA and SDS on water filtering activity of the marine mollusks oysters Crassostrea gigas.  [9].      

10. A short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences for future.
A first and unique paper in which an international team of experts, scientists of three countries formulated a short list of research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences for the current century [10].
11.  Modernized definition of the term 'pheromones', comments on some new concepts.
        A new  modernized definition of the term 'pheromones', p.232-233; comments on the new concepts that  were proposed by the  author, namely ecological chemomediators (p.232), ecological chemoregulators (p.232),  ecological chemoeffectors (p.234) [11].

 12. Criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants.
New criteria in order to answer the question were formulated in this paper: is a given chemical substance hazardous to the environment or not? This paper formulated a fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants.[12].

  13. Ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton.
It is the first article in which the new experimental results of the author were analyzed to give a new fresh insight into ecological mechanisms of eutrophication and abnormal increase in phytoplankton. Also, a new insight into how ecosystem runs water self-purification.[13].

 14.  A short list of the most important  physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification.
The first publication in which a concise outline was made of the author’s innovative theory of water self-purification. A short list of the most important physical, chemical, and biological processes of water self-purification is given.[14].

 15. New facts on a chemical of an important class of substances as aquatic pollutant.
It is the first paper in which it was clearly proved that the synthetic chemical (exemplified by the surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS), when it pollutes water, produces a dangerous effect on both marine mussels ( Mytilus edulis) and phytoplankton.[15].

  16. New ideas on criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants.
This paper formulated a fundamentally new solution to the problem of selecting criteria for identification and assessing environmental hazards of chemical pollutants, toxicants. The paper explains why the currently accepted set of criteria is non-efficient and leads to mistakes.[16].

 17. Fundamental role of biological filtering in self-purification (and self-bioremediation, self-organization, as well as stability) of aquatic ecosystems: New facts and ideas.
It is the first paper in which a synthesis of both authors new experimental data and international literature was made, which led to a new broad picture of the fundamental role of biological filtering in self-purification ( and self-bioremediation, self-organization, as well as stability) of aquatic ecosystems.[17].

 18. Hazardous effect of a synthetic non-ionic surfactant (exemplified by  Triton X-100) on diatom algae.
The first paper to report hazardous effects of a widely-used chemical on diatom algae, important component of phytoplankton. This is a first publication to report a hazardous effect of a synthetic non-ionic surfactant (exemplified by  Triton X-100) on diatom algae, a marine species, Thalassiosira pseudonana. [18].

19. Inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on  two unique strains of the ocean species of cyanobacteria.
This is a first publication to report both inhibitory and stimulation effects of a synthetic surfactant on  two unique strains of the ocean species of cyanobacteria Synechococcus from the collection of WHOI (U.S.A.). These data demonstrated a new hazard of an imbalance of species composition of marine phytoplankton under the effect of pollution by synthetic chemical pollutants [19].

 20. Phytotoxicity of a synthetic polymeric surfactant.
What is new: a polymeric chemical inhibited growth rate of plant seedlings.
The first publication to report phytotoxicity of a synthetic polymeric surfactant. An innovative bioassay with the higher plant Fagopyrum esculentum (buckwheat) was carried out. A negative reaction of buckwheat seedlings to pollution of the aqueous medium with a polymeric surfactant was discovered. [20].

 21. New phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent.
The first paper to report new phytotoxic effects of a liquid detergent. Before this paper,  no phytotoxic effects of liquid detergents were known. New phytotoxic effects of the liquid detergent "Vilva" on the seedlings of the higher plants, buckweat Fagopyrum esculentum and  rice Oryza sativa, were discovered. [21].

  22. Unique experience in using non-traditional non-animal methods to bioassay toxicity.
This publication reported the author's unique experience in using non-traditional non-animal methods to bioassay the toxicity of chemicals. His experiments  discovered new facts on toxicity of  synthetic surfactants and detergents to a number of species, e.g. to some higher plant species and algae. [22].

 23. New method to bioassay  chemicals.
A discovery of a new method to do the bioassay of chemicals. This method is especially useful to find and characterize toxicity of chemicals. This method proved to be also useful to find new facts on environmental hazards of chemicals and chemical pollution of environment. Using this method a discovery was made of a new important examples of phytotoxicity of synthetic chemicals, exemplified by some synthetic surfactants. [23].

  24.  A review on two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: (1) the natural chemicals in the biosphere; (2) man-made chemicals.
A review of the two classes of chemicals of ecological importance: (1) the natural chemicals that are involved in regulating and mediating natural inter-species and inter-organismal interactions in the biosphere; (2) man-made chemicals that are involved in chemical pollution of the environment. [24].

  25. Juxtaposition of results of the  three methods of assessment of toxicity of a new pollutant: the methods that use (1) plant seedlings; (2) aquatic algae; (3) soil algae.
A first publication to report a unique bioassay of synthetic surfactants using soil algae. Also, this is a first publication to report a juxtaposition of results of the  three methods of assessment of toxicity of a surfactant: the methods that use (1) plant seedlings; (2) aquatic algae cultures; (3) soil algal cultures. [25].
BIBLIOGRAPHY  to the list of 25 innovations above:
1. Ostroumov S. A. Biocontrol of water quality: Multifunctional role of biota in water self-purification. - Russian Journal of General Chemistry,  2010, 80 (13): 2754-2761.

2. Ostroumov S. A., Kolesov G. M. The role of biodetritus in accumulation of elements in aquatic ecosystems. -  Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2010;  3 (4): 369-373.

3. Ostroumov S. A. On the concepts of biochemical ecology and hydrobiology: Ecological chemomediators. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008,  1 (2): 238-244.

4. Ostroumov S. A. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology,  2008, 1 (1): 147-152.

5.Ostroumov S.A., Widdows J. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Hydrobiologia,  2006, Volume: 556,  Pages: 381-386.

6. Ostroumov S.A. On the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. -Russian Journal of Ecology, 2005, 36 (6): 414-420.

7.Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.
Hydrobiologia,  2005, Volume: 542,  Pages: 275-286.

8. S.A. Ostroumov. Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. - Rivista di Biologia - Biology Forum, 97(1):67–78, 2004.

9. S.A. Ostroumov. Studying effects of some surfactants and detergents on filter-feeding bivalves. - Hydrobiologia, 500:341–344, 2003.

10. S.A. Ostroumov, S.I. Dodson, D. Hamilton, S.A. Peterson, and R.G. Wetzel. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies. - Rivista di Biologia, 96(2):327–332, 2003.

11. Ostroumov S.A. The Functions of Living Substances in the Biosphere. -
Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences,  2003, 73 (2): 164-169,

12. Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: Towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards.- Rivista Di Biologia-Biology Forum,  2003, Volume: 96,  Issue: 1,  Pages: 159-169.

13. Ostroumov S.A. Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification. Hydrobiologia, 2002,  Volume: 469,  Issue: 1-3,  Pages: 117-129.

14. Ostroumov S.A. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. - Hydrobiologia, 2002,  Volume: 469;  Issue: 1-3;  Pages: 203-204.
15. Ostroumov S.A. An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water. - Biology Bulletin, 2001, Volume 28, Number 1, p. 95-102.

16. Ostroumov S.A. Criteria for assessing ecological hazards of man-made impact on biota: Searching for a system. - Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Volume: 371,  Issue: 6,  Pages: 844-846. (in Russian);

Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371:204-206.  (in English);
English paper online free:

17. Ostroumov S.A. Biological filtering and ecological machinery for self-purification and bioremediation in aquatic ecosystems: Towards a holistic view. - Rivista Di Biologia-Biology Forum, 1998,  Volume: 91,  Issue: 2,  Pages: 221-232.

18. Fisher N.; Maertz-Wernte M.; Ostroumov S.A. Effects of aquatic pollution by a non-ionogenic surfactant on the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana.-
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya, 1996,  No. 1,  P. 91-95.

English abstract of this paper on the web-site of the publishers:

19. Waterbury J.,  Ostroumov S.A. Effect of nonionogenic surfactant on cyanobacteria. -  Microbiology,  1994, 63 (2): 140-142.  

Cited, mentioned
at British Library Direct as:

At the site of a U.S. library:

20. Ostroumov, S. A.; Semykina, N. A. Reaction of Fagopyrum esculentum Moench to Pollution of Aqueous Medium with Polymeric Surfactants. - Russian Journal of Ecology,  1993, 24 (6): 386-390.

Availability via the site:;

Cited at British Library Direct; see:
Cited at:;

21. Ostroumov S.A.; Khoroshilov V.S. Biological activity of waters polluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent. - Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya,  1992, No. 3,  P. 452-458,
See the sites:

Citation, e.g., in Australia:

Cited as

Ostroumov SA, Khoroshilov VS (1992) Biological activity of waters polluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya 0, 452-458. At:
cited as
Ostroumov, S. A. and V. S. Khoroshilov (1992). Biological activity of waters polluted with a liquid surfactant-containing detergent. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Seriya Biologicheskaya(3): 452-458.
In Australia:

22. Ostroumov S.A. Nontraditional nonanimal approaches to the ecotoxicology of xenobiotics. -  Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,  1992, Vol. 203 (1),  P. 302-ENVR.

23. Ostroumov S.A.; Maximov V.N. A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the development of root hairs by rhizodermis. -  Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya,  1991, No. 4,  P. 571-575.

Cited as:
Ostroumov, S. A. and V. N. Maksimov (1991). A bioassay of surfactant solutions based on the disturbance of seedling adhesion to the substrate and the dev elopment of root hairs by the rhizodermis. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Sssr Seriya Biologicheskaya (4): 571-575.
Cited in Australia:

Cited at:

24. S. A. Ostroumov. Biologically active substances of ecological importance and methodological aspects of the estimation of the biological activity of pollutants. -  RUSS. CHEM. REV., 1991, 60 (3), 265–265.  
DOI: 10.1070/RC1991v060n03ABEH001051;

25. Ostroumov, S. A.; Tret'yakova, A. N. Effect of environmental pollution with a cationic surface active substance on algae and Fagopyrum esculentum sprouts. - Soviet Journal of Ecology, 1990, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 79-81.

Available at:;jsessionid=A94FF8C3946B30B7F886D2BCF88204FC;

ADDENDUM. Relevant web-sites:

The references and comments on these publications see here:

Citation of these and related publications:

Citation (USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium...) environmental sciences:
Selected examples of citing Moscow University, Russian Academy of Sciences scientists.
Lithuania. Citation of the book of Moscow ecologists. Cited the book: Yablokov, Ostroumov

**Cited: 9 selected papers on environmental science from Moscow University. Citation at the site:;&nbsp
Italy: new citation of scientific research on environmental science, ecology at Moscow University
Brazil: new citation of the research at Moscow University.

Цитирование публикаций (экология, науки об окружающей среде, биология) сотрудника МГУ д.б.н.  С.А.О. в диссертациях и других научных работах - примеры

Environmental Science. Citation, examples.  More info on citation:
Environmental. Sci. Citation. Part 7.
environmental science. Env. Sci. Citation. Part 5.
Environmental Science. Citation. Part 6.
Environmental Sci. Citation. Part 4
Environmental Science. Citation. Examples. Part 3
Environmental Science. Citation. Examples. Part 2
Environmental Science. Citation. Examples. Part 1.
U.S.A.: A new citation of a Russian ecologist (Moscow University)
Indonesia: publications of a Russian ecologist (Moscow State University)  were cited:
U.S.A., Syracuse University. Citation of a Moscow University paper.
U.S. EPA database: research results of Moscow University:
University of Cambridge cited research at Moscow University:
U.S. EPA uses research results of Moscow University
Citation in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia of Moscow University research on water quality
Citation of book: Ostroumow S.A.  "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992;  [it is the Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986]. Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities.
Kuwait and United Kingdom. Citation of works of ecologist at Moscow University
Publications on Success in Research at Moscow University. Environm. science, ecology, biology, some examples. Opinion on and rating of some works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature worldwide.
Book: Conservation of Living Nature and Resources. A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov. Annotation, Reviews,Citation worldwide.
Citations of the publications authored and co-authored by the scientist at Moscow University.
Environment, ecology: list of books authored and coauthored by the scientist at Moscow University.
American scientists cited this publication on issues of  eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification:
British scientists cited these publications, environmental science, ecology, aquatic biology: 


Scientific publications: innovations, discoveries.

Secrets of ecology of clean water. Keywords: aquatic, ecosystems, water safety,  environmental, ecological, toxicology, water quality, sustainability,  pollution control, water, self-purification, detergents,  filter-feeders, suspension feeders, surfactants, detergents, freshwater, marine ecology, environment, chemico-biotic interactions, water purification:
Short summary: Bibliography on discovering secrets of ecology of clean water,
with pictures of Lake Baikal.
Publications scientifiques: des innovations, découvertes.
Les secrets de l'écologie de l'eau propre. Mots-clés: aquatiques, les écosystèmes, la sécurité de l'eau, de l'environnement, écologique, Toxicologie, qualité de l'eau, le développement durable, lutte contre la pollution, l'eau, l'auto-épuration, détergents, filtreurs, suspensivores, les tensioactifs, détergents, eau douce, l'écologie marine, de l'environnement, chimico -comprend les interactions biotiques partie, purification de l'eau:
Bref résumé: Bibliographie sur la découverte des secrets de l'écologie de l'eau potable,
avec des photos du lac Baïkal.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen: Innovationen, Entdeckungen.
Secrets of Ecology von sauberem Wasser. Stichwort: aquatische, Ökosysteme, Wasser Sicherheit, Umwelt, Ökologie, Toxikologie, Wasser Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit, Umweltschutz, Wasser, Selbst-Reinigung, Reinigungsmittel, Filtrierer, Filtrierer, Tenside, Detergenzien, Süßwasser, marine Ökologie, Umwelt, chemisch -umfasst die biotischen Teil Interaktionen, Wasseraufbereitung:
Kurze Zusammenfassung: Bibliographie zu entdecken Geheimnisse der Ökologie von sauberem Wasser,
mit Bildern des Baikalsees.
In Spanish:
Publicaciones científicas: innovaciones, descubrimientos.
Secretos de Ecología de agua limpia. Palabras clave: acuático, Ecosistema, la seguridad del agua, ambiental, toxicología, ecología, calidad del agua, la sostenibilidad, la lucha contra la contaminación, el agua, la auto-purificación, detergentes, filtradores, suspensívoros, surfactantes, detergentes, agua dulce, la ecología marina, medio ambiente, químico -abarca las interacciones bióticas, parte de purificación de agua:
Breve resumen: Bibliografía sobre Descubriendo los secretos de la Ecología de agua potable,
con excelentes fotografías del lago Baikal: un hermoso paisaje incredible
In Portuguese:
Publicações científicas: inovações, descobertas.
Segredos de Ecologia de água limpa. Palavras-chave: aquático, Ecossistemas, a segurança da água, ambiental, toxicologia, ecológico, qualidade da água, sustentabilidade, controle de poluição, água, auto-purificação, detergentes, filtro-alimentadores, alimentadores de suspensão, surfactantes, detergentes, água doce, ecologia marinha, meio ambiente, químico -engloba as interações parcela bióticos, purificação de água:
Breve resumo: Bibliografia sobre segredos descoberta de Ecologia de água limpa,
com fotos excelentes do Lago Baikal: bela paisagem incrível
In Italian:
Pubblicazioni scientifiche: innovazioni, scoperte.
Segreti di Ecologia di acqua pulita. Parole chiave: acquatici, degli ecosistemi, la sicurezza delle acque, ambientale, ecologico, Tossicologia, la qualità dell'acqua, la sostenibilità, la lotta contro l'inquinamento, l'acqua, l'auto-purificazione, detersivi, filtro-alimentatori, alimentatori sospensioni, tensioattivi, detergenti, acqua dolce, ecologia marina, ambiente, chimico -comprende le interazioni biotiche, porzione di depurazione delle acque:
Breve riassunto: Bibliografia sulla scoperta di segreti di Ecologia di acqua pulita,
con immagini eccellenti del Lago Baikal: amazing uno splendido scenario
In Swedish:
Vetenskapliga publikationer: innovationer, upptäckter.
Secrets of Ecology rent vatten. Nyckelord: vatten, ekosystem, vatten säkerhet, miljö, ekologisk, toxikologi, vattenkvalitet, hållbarhet, kontroll av föroreningar, vatten, självrening, tvättmedel, filter-matare, fjädring matare, tensider, tvättmedel, sötvatten, marin ekologi, miljö, kemisk -omfattar biotiska delen interaktioner, vattenrening:
Kort sammanfattning: Bibliografi på att upptäcka hemligheter ekologi på rent vatten,
med utmärkta bilder av Bajkalsjön: fantastiska vackra landskap
In Dutch:
Wetenschappelijke publicaties: innovaties, ontdekkingen.
Geheimen van Ecologie van schoon water. Trefwoorden: aquatisch, Ecosystemen, water veiligheid, milieu, ecologische, Toxicologie, waterkwaliteit, duurzaamheid, bestrijding van verontreiniging, water, zelf-zuivering, detergenten, filter-feeders, vering feeders, oppervlakteactieve stoffen, detergenten, zoetwater, mariene ecologie, milieu, chemisch -omvat de biotische deel interacties, Waterzuivering:
Korte samenvatting: Bibliografie op het ontdekken geheimen van Ecologie van schoon water,
met uitstekende foto's van het Baikalmeer: amazing een prachtig landschap

In Japanese:

きれいな水の生態の秘密。キーワード:水生生物、生態系、水の安全性、環境、生態系、毒性、水質、持続可能性、汚染防止、水、自己浄化、洗浄剤、フィルターフィーダー、サスペンションフィーダ、界面活性剤、洗剤、淡水、海洋生態系、環境、chemico :生物の部分の相互作用、水質浄化を包含
In Chinese (s):
净的水生态的秘密。关键词:水生生态系统,水安全,环境,生态,毒理学,水的质量,可持续性,污染控制,水,自我净化,清洁剂,滤食性,悬食,表面活性剂,洗涤剂,淡水,海洋生态,环境,chemico - 包括生物部分的相互作用,水净化:
In Chinese (t)
乾淨的水生態的秘密。關鍵詞:水生生態系統,水安全,環境,生態,毒理學,水的質量,可持續性,污染控制,水,自我淨化,清潔劑,濾食性,懸食,表面活性劑,洗滌劑,淡水,海洋生態,環境,chemico - 包括生物部分的相互作用,水淨化:
In Arabic:
المنشورات العلمية: الابتكارات، الاكتشافات.
أسرار علم البيئة من المياه النظيفة. كلمات البحث: المائية والنظم البيئية وسلامة المياه، والإيكولوجية البيئية، علم السموم، ونوعية المياه، والاستدامة، ومكافحة التلوث، والمياه، لتنقية النفس والمنظفات وفلتر مغذيات، مغذيات التعليق، السطحي والمنظفات، والمياه العذبة، والبيئة البحرية والبيئة وchemico يشمل-التفاعلات الحيوية جزء وتنقية المياه:
ملخص قصير: ببليوغرافيا على أسرار اكتشاف علم البيئة من المياه النظيفة،
مع صور ممتازة من بحيرة بايكال: مناظر طبيعية جميلة مذهلة
In Hebrew:
פרסומים מדעיים: חידושים, תגליות.
סודות של אקולוגיה של מים נקיים. מילות מפתח: מים, מערכות אקולוגיות, לבטיחות במים, טוקסיקולוגיה הסביבתית, אקולוגית, איכות מים, קיים, בקרת זיהום, מים, טיהור עצמית, חומרי ניקוי, מתקני האכלה מסננת, מתקני האכלת השעיה, פעילי שטח, חומרי ניקוי, מים מתוקים, אקולוגיה ימית, איכות הסביבה, chemico -מקיף את אינטראקציות יוטיים חלק, טיהור מים:
סיכום קצר: ביבליוגרפיה על סודות גילוי של אקולוגיה של מים נקיים,
עם תמונות מעולות של האגם באיקל: נוף יפה מדהים
In Persian:
علمی انتشارات: نوآوری، اکتشاف ها، نوآوری ها.
اسرار بوم شناسی آب تمیز. کلید واژه ها: آبزی، اکوسیستم، آب ایمنی، زیست محیطی، زیست محیطی، سم شناسی، کیفیت آب، پایداری، کنترل آلودگی، آب، خود پالایی، مواد شوینده، فیلتر فیدر، فیدر تعلیق، مواد فعال سطحی، مواد شوینده، آب شیرین، محیط زیست دریایی، محیط زیست، شیمیایی شامل تعاملات بخش زنده، تصفیه آب:
خلاصه کوتاه: کتابشناسی در کشف اسرار محیط زیست از آب تمیز،
با تصاویر بسیار عالی از دریاچه بایکال: شگفت انگیز مناظر زیبا
In Turkish:
Bilimsel yayınlar: yenilikler, Keşifler.
Temiz su ekolojisi Sırları. Anahtar Kelimeler: su, Ekosistemler, su güvenliği, çevresel, ekolojik, Toksikoloji, su kalitesi, sürdürülebilirlik, çevre kirliliği kontrolü, su, kendini Arıtma, deterjanlar, filtre besleyiciler, süspansiyon besleyiciler, yüzey, deterjanlar, tatlı su, deniz ekolojisi, çevre, chemico : biyotik kısmı etkileşimleri, Su Arıtma-kapsar
Kısa özeti: Temiz su Ekoloji Keşfi sırları üzerinde Bibliyografya,
inanılmaz güzel sahne: Baykal Gölü'nün mükemmel fotoğraflar ile

Key words:

aquatic, ecosystems, water safety,  environmental, ecological, toxicology, water quality, sustainability,  pollution control, water, self-purification, detergents,  filter-feeders, suspension feeders, surfactants, detergents, freshwater, marine ecology, environment, chemico-biotic interactions, water purification, 


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