Wednesday, November 7, 2012
7:00pm until 8:30pm
Making Feminist, Queer and Trans Movements More Genuinely Inclusive
What: Mettaversity Live Speaking Series -formerly Metta Dance
When: Wednesday, November 7th – 7:00-8:30pm
Where: The Women’s Building (18th btwn Valencia/Guerrero)
Cost: $10 at the door (No one turned away for lack of funds)
Making Feminist, Queer and Trans Movements More Genuinely Inclusive
Women, and gender and sexual minorities, are all targeted by sexism—that is, double standards based on one’s sex, gender or sexuality. For many of us, our experiences dealing with sexism drive us to become involved in feminism and queer (i.e., LGBTQIA+) activism. We seek out like-minded people who share our goals to eliminate sex-, gender- and sexuality-based hierarchies, and together, we work hard to build new movements and communities with the intent that they will be safe and empowering for those of us who have been shut out of the straight, male-centric mainstream. And yet, somewhere along the way, despite our best intentions, the movements and communities that we create almost always end up marginalizing and excluding others who wish to participate.
In this event, Julia Serano (author of Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity) presents from excerpts of some of her newer essays and spoken word pieces focused on both critiquing this tendency toward exclusivity in feminist, queer and trans movements, and providing new ideas regarding how we might go about making more genuinely inclusive movements.