Journey Bar Puts The Savory Back Into The Nutrition Bars

I have tasted the future of energy bars and they are most certainly savory.

I recently had the good fortune of trying some samples of a new nutrition bar that were sent my way for tasting. They're called Journey Bars and they take a decidedly different approach than most other similar snacks on the market. While the competition has perfected the sweet energy bar, the company behind the Journey Bar has elected to go with more savory flavors instead. That means you won't find any chocolate, peanut butter or brownie flavors on the menu here. Instead you'll get parmesan romano, hickory barbecue and pizza marinara, amongst others.

Journey Bars aren't just unique in flavor however as they also are made from the best possible ingredients. These bars are both GMO and soy free, and they use organic whole wheats and other natural elements. There are even vegan options available for those who prefer their bars without animal products of any kind. Best of all, because these flavors aren't sweet, there aren't any traces of sugar to be found either.

The first thing that struck me when I unwrapped my first Journey Bar was how crunchy it was. Most other energy bars are soft and moist, but the parmesan romano was considerably harder, almost a bit too much so. I was a bit worried that while these bars would indeed be tasty, that their crunchy side would be too much for most. Turns out that first bar wasn't indicative of the rest of the Journey line-up, and each of the bars had its own unique textures and level of crispiness. That crunchy texture has a nice side benefit as well as it keeps the bars from melting in warm temperatures. Who hasn't  peeled off the wrapper from their favorite bar only to find that it had melted into a gooey mess?

I found the Journey Bars to be a refreshing change of pace from some of the other options I've been using for years. While I still enjoy the traditional chocolate or peanut butter energy bar, I definitely welcomed the variety that these bars deliver. I also found that I actually liked the crunchy texture as well. Not only is it different from most of the competition, it makes it also makes them a fantastic snack to carry with you on a day hike or an expedition to the far corner of the globe.

The Journey Bars are even quite affordable. A variety pack of 12 or a box of your favorite flavor is just $20. That's not bad at all considering all of the goodness inside the package.

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