Ghostly Comments and Fabulous Stories

I love comments on my blog.  They make my day and teach me more about the paranormal than I could learn writing any of my books.  I'm so grateful for my followers and their knowledge of ghosts, hauntings, and haunted locations.  I even like the negative comments.  I love to hear from folks who set me straight on my facts and make sure that every one of my stories is historically accurate and correct.  I love history and I'm glad I have people who make sure I never go astray.  I want to celebrate some of the amazing and wonderful stories I've gotten in comment form on this blog. Thank you all for posting these stories and know they have often made my day.  Here are some of the wonderful stories I've collected from comments!  They are all anonymous.

About St. Bernard's Preparatory School:

I go to SBP and I dorm in the girls dormitory. I've heard so many ghost stories, and I kind of believe all of them. One is about how during camp one summer, a counselor in the girls' dorm woke up to a voice in the hallway on the top floor. She thought it was a camper, so she went out into the hallway and faced towards the bathroom, because the bathroom lights on both floors are always on, and she saw a little 'girl' standing there, and she told her to go to bed, but she saw it was a boy and she got freaked out and went back to her room. I have no idea if this story is true, but weird things have been happening in the dorms, apparently, but I believe it is my eyes playing tricks on me. Another one happened just last year in the guys' dorms, and this is something I heard from one of the guy's friends, but the boys say the boys' dorm is in sections and not just a long hallway like the girls' dorm, so in one section there were three boys in three different rooms, but all in the same on.

About Ghosts and Pregnancy:

Hi there :-) I was googling this topic because I am 8 weeks pregnant with second child. We live in a very old house (built in late 1800's). Last night I was in the bathroom and turned as I sensed someone standing next to me. No one was.. But it happened again a minute later and I had this incredibly strong sense of someone gentle placing their hand on my lower back then leaving. It was unnerving but not scary which was just bizarre. I am a scientist and have never really believed any paranormal activity is possible. I wonder if possible? Or crazy hormonal hyper vigilance? Lol :-) 

From Waverly Hills Peneteniary Post:

I never had a paranormal experience per say, but I worked on construction remodeling the Farview state penitentiary, inWaymart,PA. for the criminally insane.It was a creepy place, They had these weird paintings of clowns, flowers,etc... I guess to help keep the patients calm. I worked there for months and never had anything happen until this one day, I was working in the basement, there was a long hallway that had rooms to the one side.I was working in one of the rooms by myself, jack hammering a part of the floor to install new pipes, out of nowhere, The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and a chill ran up my spine, I threw the jack hammer down and spun around like a cat, but nothing was there. It felt like someone was right behind me, it freaked me out. Later in the week I was talking to a guard and he told that was the morgue I was working in. I bet if they had someone do an investigation there, they would have an eventful experience.

From Searcy State Hospital Post:

The things you hear at this place is enough to drive a sane man into being placed into the confines of the place. I worked for the PD of Mt. Vernon and have gone there several times for various reasons. I have seen some things that if told would not be believed. Every time I've been on or near Sercy, I've felt the presence of the paranormal..most in my family including me are sensitive to the paranormal.

From Kildare Castle/McCormick Post:

My family purchased this home in early 1966 from Jackie Smith Blackwell (a friend of "Eunice" on Andrew Jackson and a whole different story). We lived in this home during 1966-1967 years. I was in the 6th grade at Chapman Jr. High. It truly was a wonderful place to live. We have many memories that we frequently share. I love that it had a furnace in the basement for heating with forced air using the old style radiators in the rooms. It actually has a small room with a window in the attic, on the front of the house, where you can see the grounds. It was spooky climbing into the attic and not knowing what might be discovered; you had to go through a crawl space to get into the room which was about 6' x 8' in size. From the first floor main kitchen you get to the basement by going down a spiral shaped wooden staircase. One night I had to go turn off the basement light and I was barefoot; never grab and pull a metal chain when barefoot on a concerts floor! On my way down those stairs a bat flew at me. There is a large closet with beautiful stained glass on the double doors in the main living room; this must have been used for storing fine china and linens that were likely used for entertaining on a grand scale. The main floor had 10 or 12 foot ceilings, fireplaces everywhere and 3 kitchen areas. It had beautiful bear claw bathtubs throughout! There was a full bath in the basement as well. If my memory serves correctly, a total of 52 rooms including those in the basement. We loved sliding down the wood banister of the stairs from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor; these stairs are located just inside the main front door. Directly under the stairs on the first floor (at the highest end) was a door that opened to one set of stairs that went from first floor to basement. We actually had a water battle on the second floor one Saturday morning after breakfast but before we began our weekly cleaning. Now you know how my Saturday's were spent during that time. To turn the light on or off you pushed a button. And the elevator, yes it had one, however, it's known as a "dumb waiter" (not sure of spelling) and to go up or down you pulled a rope that was at least 1 inch in diameter and it was the original rope! There was a push button light switch in the dumb waiter. Today it still has the original fire escapes. In the basement is a wine cellar with the original wine racks, at least during the time we resided in the house. My favorite room in the entire place at the time, of course, was the round tower bedroom located on the 3rd floor. This will be on the left side if you are looking at the front of the house from the street. It has a huge veranda out back on the main floor. The small windows above the doors could be opened but it was difficult. At one time there was a small house to the right off the main house; we always believed a groundskeeper had lived in it at some point in time. The last I saw, this small house was rubble. It was rumored that the McCormick's had planned to cover the roof with silver dollars. At the top of the tall windows to the left side of the main entrance (in the upside down V) is the date and initials, McC, 1886. I always hoped to buy this place again someday and restore it to as much of its original glory as possible and make it into a bed a breakfast. I may attempt to post again and include some pics. Hope you enjoyed reading of my living experience.

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