Chris Brown deletes twitter account after vulgar exchanges with woman over Rihanna

Chris Brown let his anger take the best of him when a comedian Jenny criticized him over the infamous Rihanna beating in 2009. Chris Brown posted this on his timeline "'I look old as f***! I'm only 23...'
She replied him " 'Being a worthless piece of s*** can really age a person.'.
The singer went very vulgar and asked her"Just ask if Rihanna is mad"  'Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d*** HOE.'
The woman corrected Brown's spelling, saying: 'It's "HO" not "HOE" you ignorant f***.'

He replied"'mom says hello... She told me not to s**** in ur mouth, wanted me to s*** right on the retina.'And: 'I should fart while ur giving me top.'

She replied"Your mom must be so proud of you.'
They should free this boy abeg.Haba!