Angolan Independence Dinner 2012

We celebrated Angolan Independence day here in Malongo by producing another themed dinner but this time we brought in a team of Cabindan dancers and musicians!

They had a great impact on the evening and once again a great night was had by all!


Juke Keene and our Angolan local produce display.

Tatuquilla making the funge de bom bom.

Mandioca, Banana Pao, Chickwanga and Potato Doce (White sweet potatoes).

The pineapple tree

Gingoube (Peanut) cake!

Murthy's watermelon carvings

The Cabindan dancers and Musicians.............errr and Capita! What the hell is he doing in there! 

Capita displaying another of his many hidden talents!

The Cabindan Dancers. Some serious booty shaking!


Juke and the girls!

Judite, Helena, Mariana and Sallome, four of our girls, who wore their traditional Angolan dresses. 

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