A New Type of Effect of Potentially Hazardous Substances: Uncouplers of Pelagial–Benthal Coupling
S. A. Ostroumov, Moscow University
Key words: Surfactants, detergents, filtration activity, filter-feeders, mollusks, bivalves, water quality, self-purification, invertebrates, suspension feeders, aquatic, ecosystems, pollutants, chemical pollution,
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Addendum: summaries of 25 related publications on environmental sciences.**Environment, ecology: 18 innovations, other files online. Innovative conceptualization: ecosystems; water quality et al. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/10/environment-ecology18-innovations-other.html**World-wide and international citing of the publications authored by a Fulbright Award winner, scientist at Moscow University, some examples. http://www.scribd.com/doc/50443283/**