WTCL - Wateen Telecom Ltd - Analysis - 17/10/2012

Company WTCL Symbol
Company Name Wateen Telecom Ltd Company Name
Avg EPS Rs -6.25 Average of past year end EPS's
Avg EPS FV Rs -62.50 Fair Value based on average of past year end EPS's
EPS Rs -9.76 Last four quarters EPS
EPS FV Rs -97.60 Fair Value based on last four quarters EPS
Current Price Rs 2.37 Last closing stock price
Updated October 2012 Data Month/Year
Div Rs 0.00 Total dividend paid during last four quarters
Div FV Rs 0.00 Fair value based on total dividend paid during last four quarters
Avg Div Rs 0.00 Average of yearly dividends paid (including currently paid ones)
Avg Div FV Rs 0.00 Fair value based on Average of yearly dividends paid (including currently paid ones)
Avg Rs -27.65 Average of Avg EPS FV, Book Value, Div FV, Avg EPS FV, Avg Div FV, Net Current Asset Value / Share and FV CF/S.
Upside -1266.59% Upside potential (in percentage) based on the above Average.
Div Yield 0.00% Dividend yield
Book Value Rs 9.95 Book Value
Sector Fixed Line Telecommunication Sector
NCAV/S Rs -28.56 Net Current Asset Value / Share
FV CF/S Rs -14.83 Fair Value based on cash flow per share

No, no, no! Bad, bad company! And yet it has moved from Rs 1.53 (year ago) to Rs 2.37, a 54.90% rise. What for I ask?

Symbol WTCL
Current Price Rs 2.37
Previous Day Price Rs 2.49
Daily Return -4.82%
Price Week Ago Rs 2.50
Weekly Return -5.20%
Price Month Ago Rs 2.73
Monthly Return -13.19%
Price Quarter Ago Rs 2.02
Quarterly Return 17.33%
Price Year Ago Rs 1.53
Yearly Return 54.90%

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