Is Justin Bieber real? 

1. There are the things that appear to our five senses - things we see, touch, smell, hear and taste.

We can see Lady Gaga, touch Miley Cyrus, smell Shakira, hear Rihanna and taste Katy Perry.

Selena Gomez is made up of quarks.... Website for this image

2.  But, can we see 'dark matter', touch 'infinity', hear 'quarks' or taste 'electrons'?

Dark matter and dark energy make up 95% of the universe, according to the scientists.

3. Max Tegmark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says that "physical existence and mathematical existance are the same."

What is reality? - New Scientist

Think of 0 = +1 - 1

Nothing and something appear to exist at the same time.

4. Experiments in Quantum Physics suggest that a particle can be in more than one place at once.

The human observer may see the particle in only one of these places.

A particle can also be both a wave and a particle at the same time.

Typical YouTube video seen by lots of kids. Do we all see things the same way?

5. Matthew Donald, a philosopher of physics at the University of Cambridge, says that a person observing these experiments actualy sees all the different states of the particle, but, each with a different mind.

Beyonce has a good mind?

6. All matter may have a 'mind'.

The astrophysicist Arthur Eddinton said, in 1926, that "the stuff of the world is mind-stuff ... not all that foreign to the feelings in our consciousness."

Max Planck, the founder of quantum theory, said in 1931: "I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness."

Olsen Twins

7. There is the possibility that there is more than one 'reality'.

Is it an illusion to think that all things are not linked up? Are we all linked up to Selena Gomez?

8. In trying to describe reality, the Buddhists refer to 'emptiness'.

This 'emptiness' is not nothingness.

"Emptiness refers to the fact that ultimately, our day-to-day experience of reality is wrong, and is 'empty' of many qualities that we normally assign to it."

"Describing this ... in words is not really possible... 

"Trying to explain this experience - which contradicts our normal perception - is a bit like explaining colors to someone who is born blind; difficult to say the least."

Wisdom of Emptiness - View on Buddhism