New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

New concepts and terminology in ecology, and science of limnology and biological oceanography: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.

In 2005, an innovative paper was published that proposed some  new  ecological concepts and terminology helpful to better understand the functioning of ecosystems, especially aquatic ecosystems.
New concepts and terminology were introduced in this article: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality. This is a useful review paper, and also an interesting opinion paper (Ostroumov, 2005) []


Ostroumov S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.- Hydrobiologia, 2005, Volume: 542, Pages: 275-286.
Areas of application of these innovations:
Fundamental ecology, Assessment and prediction of the state of aquatic bodies (lakes, reservoirs, estuaries) and streams, Conservation and management of water resources, Water safety including safety of sources of water supply, Environmental education. Lecture courses in Ecology, Environmental Science, Limnology, Biological Oceanography, Water Resources, Environmental Toxicology, Aquatic Toxicology, Ecotoxicology, Aquatic Ecology, Marine Ecology, and others.
Useful relevant web-sites:
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This paper was cited internationally, e.g.:

New, concepts, terminology, ecology, limnology, biological oceanography, ecological tax, ecological repair, water quality, functioning of ecosystems, aquatic, pollution, remediation, suspension feeders,

Translation of some words:
ecological repair – экологическая репарация,
suspension feeders - фильтраторы,

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